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⚠️WARNING: (Short Sex scene) ⚠️

POV: Lani

Friday: April 12th

I unlocked the door and walked into my house. LaMelo was sitting on the couch with Dip laying on his lap, and for the first time in a long house is quiet.

"Where are my babies?"

"With my parents."

"Why?" I set down my purse and keys. Melo was now standing up and he opened the sliding-glass door so Dip could go outside.

"Because you said you wanted to make a baby tonight."

He was right. We've been talking about it for the past two weeks, and I'm just now remembering.

"Oh shit. Yea." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Unless you don't want too-"

"No I do. Ryan and I have been working really hard with magazine shoots and my next album....I've been really stressed, and the whole thing slipped my mind."

"Let me help you relax then." His hands rested on my waist.

"I look a mess...lemme clean up first, and then we can do it."


"I gotta get cute Melo. Or you might not get hard."

"You a damn lie." His eyes went wide. "You ain't never seen it on soft."

He's right. Melo has always been hard when we have sex, or when I'm around his dick. I've never seen it relaxed.....

"Just let me take a shower. I've been at the studio all day."

"Yea alright." He nodded and sat back down onto the couch.

I hurried upstairs and turned on the shower water before getting undressed. The bruises on my body are finally gone, and I feel way more confident in having sex with Melo. I was really self conscious which is why I've been putting this off for so long.

When the water was hot, I got in and grabbed my vanilla scented body wash. I had already gotten waxed yesterday, so I was only shaving my legs.

It felt so relaxing to not come home to screaming kids after a long day of work. I love them with my entire heart, but a break was much needed.

When I finished, I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my body while I started to comb through my curls and brush my teeth.

I haven't prepared for a dick appointment in usually just happens.

Although, I was expecting Melo to have joined me in the shower, I guess he really is going to wait until I'm ready.

I dried off, and started to put on some Victoria Secrets lotion. Then I sprayed my body with a large amount of perfume before pulling my curls into a pony tail. There's no reason to leave them down when I'm going to be on my knees.

Once I was ready, I walked down the stairs. A part of me was kinda insecure...the last time Melo really saw my body was when Javie took advantage of it.

"I'm ready."

Melo looked away from his phone and smiled.

"Who you lookin this good for?"

"My husband."

"Oh yea?" He licked his lips. I stood in the living room while he watched me. I was too nervous to make the first move. He put his hand out, and pulled me onto the couch with him.

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