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Omg, I missed you guys so much. 😭

This entire chapter is unedited, just bare with me and overlook my mistakes please! I wanted to get this chapter out as fast as I could! <3

Month 2: May 15th

"I miss you."

"You always miss me."

"Keep talkin like that, and Imma break your back."

"'s been too long."

It was quiet while I bit on my lip nervously. I haven't seen or talked to Melo all month. He's been busy with Basketball and constantly traveling, and I've been overwhelmed with talking care of all of these kids in my house. Makayla helps me a lot, but it's still tiring.

"What's on your mind Bebe?"


"You're sure?"


"Then why are you tapping your finger?"

I completely forgot we were on face time. My shirtless husband was laying in his hotel room, and I concentrated on his face. He's gained weight, but it's healthy muscle. My hand stopped hitting the coffee table, and I continued to bite on my lip.

"Has the doctor said anything about you getting back on your meds?"

"Melo, you know I can't."

"I just hate to see you like this."

"You haven't seen me all month."

"Don't be like that..."

"I'm sorry." I huffed. "I just miss you."

"I'll be home next month, besides, this is how I felt when you were on tour."

"The kids miss you."


"Mmhm. I don't think she's mad at you anymore."

"That's good." He nodded.

Before Melo left, Bianca was with a boy after school. Apparently, Ryan and him went to pick all the kids up, and they were kissing. Hubby didn't take it too easy. I like that he's really protective over my siblings, and treats them as if they were his own biological kids. Although he did make a big scene at the school and it ended up with him carrying her back to the car. In my opinion it was really funny, but Bea didn't talk to Melo for the rest of the month.

"You know, Damien tells me him and Isabella are official."

"I thought they were already dating?"

"They're married now."

"Oh shit...when's the wedding?"

"I don't know, but I didn't give no kinda blessing."

"C'mon mama, our son is getting married you have to support him."

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