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APRIL 13th: Damien's Birthday


"Get up Bestie!!!" Lexi jumped on my bed.

I didn't say anything. Last night after my concert in London, we got on a plane and flew out to Costa Rica for my concert tomorrow. Today is Damien's birthday, and he should be here any minute. Melo said he got a private jet for a early flight, so we can spend as much time together as possible.

"What time is it?" I pulled the covers over my face.

"9:00...and we need to get started on decorating. Melo said they should be here at about 12:00."

"Alright." I lifted the covers from my face and got out of the bed.

"You don't seem too excited."

"I just took an 11 hour flight last night. I'm tired." I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower water.

Today is gonna be a long day....

Lexi left my room once I started to get undressed. The water was steaming, while I decided to get in, and wash my body and hair. I felt relaxed for the first time in a while. The scar on my stomach caught my attention, and I lightly touched it. I've been considering the thought of having a baby...but I don't know. Bell would want another sister or brother, and God wouldn't want me to mourn her for the rest of my life.

"LANI! C'MON WE HAVE TO START GETTING READY!" Ryan yelled from down the hall, and I somehow heard him. When did he get here?

I quickly finished rinsing off my body, and getting out of the shower to dry off. I washed my face, and brushed my teeth. Luckily I wasn't wearing a wig right now because it felt good to let my hair breathe. I died it blonde last week, and I'm already regretting it. My curls are looser, and dry, but it looks cute so I can't complain too much.

When I was finished in the bathroom, I put on my red bathing suit. Today we're going to the beach as soon as Damien gets here so there's no point in changing later on. I threw on some jean shorts, with rips in the back showing most of my butt, along with Melo's jersey custom made to say 'LaMelo's Wife' on the back. Once I finished, I walked to the kitchen to see Jamal, Lexi, and Ryan all decorating.

"Took you long enough." Ryan handed me balloons to blow up.

"Umm. Let's not forget who's kid this is." I walked to the helium tank and started to fill the black and dark blue rubber packs before tying a gold string on the end of them.

"He's your kid...but he's our Godson." Jamal pointed at himself and Ryan.

"And now I'm starting to regret that decision." I mumbled.

"She's only cranky because she's tired...once Melo gets here, he'll put her in place."

"Bitch." I looked at Lexi. "Don't make me fuck you up. Not on my baby's birthday."

"You know I'll win in a fight against you any day." She shrugged.

"Nope. Oakland born and raised." I flipped her off. "You're Minnesota ass couldn't hit me if you tried."

"Hood is don't matter where." She laughed.

Jamal and Ryan disregarded our whole conversation together. They know how we always joke around about fighting each other.

Over the course of two hours, Ryan had done more work than all four of us combined. He was running around frantically.

"Ryan calm down...none of this even matters to Damien." I laughed.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now