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March 13

POV: Lani

Location: Los Angeles Hospital

"It's gonna be fine mama, calm down."

"I'm just nervous." I took a deep breath.

"Kehlani Ball?"

Melo and I stood up from the hospital waiting area and followed the nurse into a room.

"Dr. Wilson will be here in a moment. Go ahead and change into a gown." The woman opened the door for us, and then left.

I started to get undressed while Melo took a seat at the chair in the corner. He folded my clothes once I handed them to him.

"Are you sure you wanna stay?" I placed the gown over my naked body.

"Of course. They're gonna take my blood anyway Lani....I'll be fine."

I nodded my head and sat on the paper lined, leather bed.

There was a knock on the door, and Dr. Wilson walked into the room. I haven't seen her since Bellamy died....

"Hello Kehlani!!"

"Hi." A small smile consumed my face.

"How is everything going today?" She was putting on a new pair of gloves.

"Alright." I mumbled.

"Okay, let's get started. Go ahead and put your feet on the petals for me."

I placed both of my feet on the silver metal holders, giving her full access to my vagina. She sat on a small chair in front of me, and started to look.

"You're about seven weeks correct?"


"Okay, I'm gonna put my speculum in, and check you cervix."

The plate of tools next to her were very intimidating. Of course I've gone through this exact thing with my first pregnancy, but it wasn't good news at all.

She inserted the cold metal, and I closed my eyes. In a split second, Melo was standing next to me, and holding my hand.

The uncomfortable sensation only lasted a couple of seconds before she finished. "Whew, so your cervix was completely healed from your first pregnancy...but it looks like, we're back to square one."

This was something I had already come to terms with. Javie was doing everything in his power to keep me from screaming, and his force was bruising my cervix over and over again. I already knew this would cause more complications in having another baby.

"But, we can get started on the blood work." She pulled out a tube that had blood inside of it. I didn't even notice her place the test swab inside of me to get the baby's DNA. "LaMelo, go ahead and sit right here."

I watched as he rolled up his sleeve and she cleaned his vein with an alcohol pad. The needle went into his arm and I looked away. Last time I had a needle in my arm was for drugs....

"Alright, I'm gonna take it to the lab, and see what's going on." Wilson left the room and I huffed.

"We've been waiting all this time, but right about now...I don't even wanna know anymore."

"I know mama...everything will be okay though."

"If...if the baby isn't yours....and I go ahead with abortion, will we still- try again?" I was so nervous to ask him this question.

"If that's what you want." Melo kissed my forehead. "I have no problem with giving you another baby."

We stayed in silence for almost ten minutes before Dr. Wilson walked in with papers.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now