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4 Months Later


I was currently listening to Lani's Album. This is the first time I've sat down and really listened to it. She had 15 amazing songs.

Tonight she has her first concert at Staples Center, and I'm so excited for her.

I think "Wanted" Or "Down for You" were by far my favorites, because they're about me.

She put a lot of work into her music, and It all payed off. Suddenly, my phone started ringing, causing my speaker to stop playing. Lani's contact picture was consuming my screen causing me to smile. I swiped the green icon, and put the phone up to my ear.

"BABY!" She instantly yelled.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, and winced in pain.

"Yea?" I put her on speaker and sat the phone next to me on the bed.


"Awww! Good mamas, I'm proud of you." I smiled.

"Guess how much."She whispered.

"How much?" I laughed.

"Fifteen G's"

"You- You're lying." I gulped.

"I don't lie." She giggled.

"Mamas, your album dropped yesterday, and you already making money?"

"Yea! This is the FIRST one too." She emphasized the word first.

"What are you gonna spend it on."

"I think I want an apartment."

"Lani!" I laughed. "You can't move out, and leave your grandparents."

"Why not?" She was dead serious.

"I- I don't know, they're your legal guardians...do you think they'll say yes?"

"Probably...I get tattoos and piercings. Normal parents would freak out about that."

"True." I mumbled.

"What's the problem?"

"I wanna move in with you." I frowned.

"Melo...You're 16." She laughed. Lani's 17th birthday was last April, and it was currently June. I was leaving tonight to go to Ohio for my Senior year. "You can if you want though I don't mind. You basically already live with me."

"Lani, you know I can't." I got sad.

"Stoppp don't remind me." She whined. "I don't wanna think about you leaving me tonight until the time comes."

"Lani, we need to talk about it....like visiting schedules, and stuff."

"I know." She mumbled. "I'll come over right now, and we can get this over with." She complained.

"Alright. Bye my Love."

"Bye." She hung up.

I huffed, and got up from my bed. First I needed to clean up. There were clothes all around my room, with shoes scattered around the wooden floor. I started to clean everything, and once my room was decent again, I admired the pictures of Lani and I that hung on my walls, and sat on my shelf. My favorite picture of us was on my nightstand, and I need to get it enlarged, so Lani can hang it up in her apartment. If she decides to go through with moving out.



I walked up to Melo's porch, and My Grammy drove away. I really need to get my license, because I'm tired of having to ask everyone for a ride.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now