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Y'all, I think this is a good chapter to end the book. It just seems right. <3


Location: Los Angeles Hospital

Tears continued to fall from my eyes and onto Melo's chest.

I've lost him...The love of my life, the father of my children, my best friend, the person who taught me to love myself. The man that encouraged me to follow my dreams, and become a singer. The man that accepted me for who I am......the only man to ever love me.

I've lost Bellamy....

I've lost Lexi.....

I've lost everyone....

A part of me thought this was a bad dream I would soon wake up from. But I crossed that factor out of my mind.

The nurse reached her hand to turn off the flat lined monitor, and I continued to cry.


My heart dropped, and I looked at the screen. A green line had made a bump indicating that his heart pumped.





It was now regulating.

"He- He's alive?"

"I think so." The nurse smiled. "He's breathing on his own."

I looked down at my husband, who was already looking at me. His eyes were open slightly and the smile on his face made my stomach flutter.

"How's that for a grand entrance?"

"Oh my god." I busted into an even worst fit of tears. Melo's hands wrapped around my waist, and I leaned down, pulling him into a hug. We stayed silent for a couple of minutes, while I enjoyed his presence. "Don't do that to me." I sniffled on his shoulder.

"I missed you."

"I missed you so much." I buried my face into his neck.

"Mrs. Ball, we should probably do a full check up on him right now. He needs fluids and medication." The nurse was standing behind me, with three other girls.

"Yea....of course. Do what you need." I pulled away from Melo's hug and backed away.

"Well, hello LaMelo." Dr. Jodie walked into the room. "You're finally awake." He placed the stethoscope under my husbands hospital gown, and listened to his heart beat. " seem very healthy. Let's get you started on some Vitamins, and medication to help wake your body up." The doctor smiled before instructing the nurses and leaving the room.

I watched as they took the wires off of his chest, and body.

"Can I pee? I really have to pee."

"No Melo-"

He had already tried to get out of the bed, and I got up from my seat catching him. The nurses helped me, because there was no way I could hold Melo's body on my own.

"What's wrong with my legs?" We sat him back down.

" were in a coma for three months."

He didn't move or react. "It's October?"

I nodded my head.

"Basketball has started?"


"The adoption?"


"Did we win?"

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now