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"You okay?" Melo opened his eyes.

"Yea." I was sitting on the edge of our bed. For some reason I was burning up.

"What's wrong?" He turned on the light.

"I don't know...I can't sleep and I feel really hot."

He got out of the bed, and left our room. It was about two minutes before Melo came back with a glass of cold water and a wet rag. I've been getting hot flashes often because of my pregnancy. It sucks, but at least I don't get morning sickness.

I drank from the glass, and It was gone in a couple of seconds. Melo laid me back, and pulled up my shirt, revealing my stomach that had a slight bump on it. I'm finally showing.

He placed the cold, wet rag on my belly, and I felt a wave a relief rinse over me.

"Lil mama is gettin hot in there."

"Yea. She really cookin."

So far Melo and I have hoped that our baby is a girl. He wants to adopt an older boy after our daughter is born. Although I don't care what gender our baby is, as long as they're healthy.

It was currently 2 am, and I felt so bad for waking Melo up. This is the third time this week.

"I'm sorry....I know you have practice in the morning."

"You and my baby are more important than basketball. All we have to do is have the baby. I already took care of everything else."

It's true. We moved into this new house about a week ago.

The one thing I miss in Atlanta is my therapy group, but there's one out here too, so I can't really complain

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The one thing I miss in Atlanta is my therapy group, but there's one out here too, so I can't really complain. Other than that, I've been going to the studio everyday while Melo goes to training. Then we usually spend the rest of the day together.

Our house is the perfect size. There's enough room for us to have three kids, even though we plan on two.

The master bedroom is huge, and the bathroom is everything I dreamed of.

Dip finally has a backyard to run in, and our neighborhood is gated so paparazzi can't get in. Our life is starting to fall into place, and I couldn't be any happier.

 Our life is starting to fall into place, and I couldn't be any happier

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NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now