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"Okay so then, you'll sing your verse again, and the chorus will fade in." I proposed my idea to post Malone. It was currently Monday morning, and I was in the studio completing the song. I think I'm going to let Post put it on his album, because I'm basically featuring.

"Alright bet!" He walked into the recording booth. Ryan was standing there, with Jamal.

His recording time didn't take long. After, it was my turn to sing my verse. It took us about five hours to record, edit, and master everything.

"I emailed you the song to show to Melo, but Post isn't gonna release the song for a couple of months when he drops his album."

"Oh okay." I hugged Post goodbye. "Thank You for everything!"

"No, thank you....I'll expect to see you on tour?"

"I don't know...I've got a family at home, and I'm getting my own tour started next spring."

"Call me when you're ready." He kissed my hand, and left the studio.

"I think someone might have a slight crush on you." Ryan instigated.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"So Lani, your album is almost done."

"What?" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You wrote eighteen songs, and recorded them all. Jamal mastered and I produced."

"So my second album is done? Like- completely done?"

"We need you to choose a name and design a cover. But yea. Everything is pretty much done."

I couldn't believe what I just heard.


"So, you can show LaMelo all the songs. Here's a USB, with your whole album on it." He handed me a blue USB port, and I looked at it in shock.

"Bye Lani." Jamal looked at me.

"Bye." I mumbled and left the studio. I can't believe I wrote my second album that fast. It didn't even occur to me that I was done with it.

On my way home, I drove quietly to myself. It was now 1:30 in the afternoon, and I couldn't wait to see Melo and my siblings. I left before any of them woke up. I parked my BMW in the garage next to Melo's lambo, and walked into our apartment.

"Bubba?" I set my keys down on the shelf next to me, and took off my shoes.

There was noise coming from the room down the hall.

When I peaked my head in our room door, Melo was laying in the bed with Trey and Bea. They were all watching sponge bob on in the TV in our room, and I smiled.

"Hi mama." Melo's cheeks plumped, and his white teeth showed. His hair was now cut, and he had dark brown curls, that sat on top of his head.

"Hi my love." I walked over to him, and kissed his cheek. "I like your hair." I rubbed my fingers on his fresh cut.

"Thank you Bebe...I wanted to try something new before my birthday."

"What are y'all laying down for?" I looked at Trey with wide eyes.

"Melo said we have to wait for you until we go somewhere." He kept his attention on the TV.

"Well go get dressed!" I smiled.

Trey didn't ask any questions. He got out of the bed, and ran to his room.

"Bea!" I tickled her small figure. She was trying to act like she was asleep on Melo's chest, but I knew better.

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