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Location: Los Angeles Hospital

Date: August 12

"Okay, so we're going to go ahead and take him to the O.R." The nurse walked in.

"No." Damien's eyes started to water. "I'm waiting for mommy."

"Papa, we can't wait any longer."

Lani is on a plane back to LA from Mexico. She said she would be here, and we've waited as long as possible.

"I'm here. I'm here." Lani panted. I'm assuming she ran through the hospital.

Damien's eyes lit up at the sight of his mom.

"You're a big boy, Papa. You don't need me." She kissed his forehead.

"You're gonna be here after?"

"Of course."

The nurse wheeled the bed out of the room, and I closed my eyes. I can only pray this surgery goes smoothly.

"Hi Hubby." Lani grabbed my face, and attached her lips to mine.

"I missed you." I kissed her neck after pulling her body into a hug.

"How was he doing?" She pulled away and sat down on my lap.

"They said he couldn't eat all that was probably the hardest part. He was crying and asking for food, and I wanted to get him some so bad."

"Aww my poor baby."

It was quiet between us and I bit on the inside of my cheek.

"What's wrong?" She grabbed my jaw.

"We need to talk. I didn't want to tell you right now but I've been keeping it a secret for the last month." I confessed.

Lani got off my lap and frowned. She looked concerned, but more confused than anything.

"Leylah called me last month saying she's being sued....for wrongful information and something else I can't remember." I waited for my wife's response, but she never said anything. "So, she ended up telling me that Damien has a sister."

Lani froze and her eyebrows arched up.


"Her name is Aliyah and she's three years old."

"Stop, stop." Lani closed her eyes and paced the room.

It was quiet for what felt like minutes, but was only about 45 seconds.

"You didn't tell me when you found out?"



"Because you're on tour with a lot of super stressful stuff. I felt like we should discuss this in person...not over the phone."

"You should've told me Melo."

"I know." I realized how bad I fucked up. Lani is right...I should've told her regardless of her being on tour or not.

"So what did she tell you?"

"The couple that tried to adopt Damien found out that he has a sister."

"The Coopers?"

"Yea...apparently, they have a friend that works in the agency with all of the blood work, and medical stuff. So they found the her DNA matches with Damien's. They decided to try and sue Leylah for not giving them all of the information about his family."

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