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Holy shit. We're at 20 chapters already!!



I laid on Melo's chest and looked up at him.

"I don't like it." He frowned.

We're currently talking about baby names. My two month check up was last week, and Dr. Wilson says we'll know the gender at 4 months. The downside is Melo will be at draft camp.

"What about Monroe?"

"Um no."


"Hmm I kinda like that."

"We can call her Bell for short." I smiled.

"What if we're having a boy?"

"Hmmm I don't know. You can choose."

"How about Mason?"

"You like Mason?" I giggled.

"Yea, it's nice."

"Alright, Bellamy if the baby is a girl, and Mason if the baby is a boy."

"Mhmmm. Unless we think of any other names." Melo kissed my forehead.

"Don't you have training?"

"Yea. But my body hurts." He whined. "I'm tired of lifting weights and busting my ass off, when I could be here with you."

"Well I was thinking, since you have been working so hard to provide for our family, I wanna take you out tonight."

"Mamas, you're pregnant, and the media has been waiting to get a picture of your belly."

"I'm not gonna sit in this house for the next 7 months. So We're going out tonight after you get home from practice."

"So it's a date?" He smirked.

"Somethin like that."

"Are you going to the studio?"

"No, Lexi is coming here to help me."

"Yea alright." Melo got out of the bed, and I watched him walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

About twenty minutes later he had his backpack, and keys in hand.

"I'll see you tonight." I got out of the bed, and kissed his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He stared into my eyes.

I'm so attached to him. I don't think it's healthy.

"Tell Lexi I said hi!" He yelled before walking down the stairs and in the garage.

Dip sat next to me, and I huffed. I didn't want Melo to leave. For some reason I got so attached, and clingy towards him. I'm sure Melo's probably annoyed with me, but what can I say? The man married me.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head, and walked to my bathroom to wash my face, and brush my teeth. Once I was done I stared at my belly in the mirror.

It's slightly bigger, and I can no longer wear any type of crop tops. I'm starting to wear mostly Melo's shirts, because my boobs are huge, and I need to buy new clothes. Along with my thighs, because they can barely fit in my jeans so I'm always wearing sweatpants.

"HELLOOO!!" Lexi yelled from downstairs.

"I'M UP HERE!" I dried off my wet face and exited the bathroom.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now