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"Hi mama." I kissed Lani's cheek.

"Hey." She laid in our bed.

The last couple of days, she hasn't been feeling good. It's currently December, which is my wife's favorite time of year. Two months ago, when Bellamy was born, we finally talked about everything that was on our minds. I admitted I was scared for her to go on tour and leave me with the kids, and then she confessed that's how she feels every time I have game.

Oh yea, a couple weeks after Lani's surgery, was the NBA Draft. I was chosen by the Lakers, which is really good. We don't have to move, and I can see my family so much more often. She also dropped her album last month, and her fans have been going crazy. She named it 'While we wait.'

When I ask her questions about it, she usually doesn't answer. I'm sure tonight she'll answer all my questions while she's on stage. It's her first concert since she got back from her last tour.

"You wanna talk?" I laid next to her.


"C'mon have to talk to me."

"I don't want you to hear my songs."

Lani and I made a deal when she released the album. I don't listen to any songs, until she's ready for me to hear them. The last two months have been really challenging for her. She got her eyesight back, goes to therapy for her brain, and takes care of Bellamy while I'm at practice. But I think her biggest loss, was losing Damien. The judge is granting us a court date after Lani is cleared from therapy, and it doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon.

"We made a deal. You said when you have your first concert...I can finally listen to them."

"Yea alright." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm here for you my love." I pulled her chin to look at me.

"I know." She smiled.

I haven't seen her smile in so long, it made my stomach flutter.

"Get ready to go. We'll leave in an hour okay?"



Melo and I were driving to the forum for my concert tonight. Bellamy was sitting in her carseat, in the back, and the ride was quiet.

"You ready to do this?"

"I'm excited."

"That's good. Are you gonna introduce them to Bellamy?"

Nobody has seen what our baby looks like besides our friends. I couldn't handle the worlds judgement right after I had my surgery.

"Yea." I mumbled.

"Everything is going to go great mamas."

I nodded. I don't wanna say I've been distant from Melo, but I have. He knows I have....we're on good terms and I forgive him for everything that happened two months ago...but I just don't feel the same. Not without Damien here anyway.

When we arrived to the Forum, a sense of happiness brushed over me. Everything felt in place again. Whole.

I got out of the car, and Melo carried Bellamy's carset. We walked backstage, and I came in contact with all of the studio workers, Jamal, and Ryan.

"Hey Lani!"

"Hi!" I hugged my manager, and producer.

"We missed you a lot."

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