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May 20th: LaMelo's Western Conference Semi-Finals.


"Hurry up we gotta go." I grabbed my purse.

"We have time Lani." Lexi rolled her eyes. "I need to get my luggage and stuff."

"No you don't. We're only gonna be there for a day, and I have to give Melo kisses before his game."

"Girl he don't need no fuckin kisses."

"Yes he does. And I have to go home to pick up Damien and get my playoff Jacket."

"You didn't bring it?!?"

" let's go." I grabbed her arm, and we got off the tour bus and onto the private jet.

"Hello Lani."

"Hi jasper." I hugged my pilot.

"The flight is about an hour and a half to LA. Sit tight, I'm about to take off."

I nodded, and he walked behind the curtain to the captain's seat.

"I'm so excited." I sat down in the seat across from Lexi.

"Me too. I finally get to see Eli."

"You just saw him last week." I rolled my eyes.

"I know." She smiled even more.

"And you still haven't told him what's on your mind."

"He's been a little less distant....I don't want to ruin anything."

"I don't think you'll be ruining anything." I turned towards her.

"What did LaMelo tell you." She narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing." I lied. "But you should talk to you boyfriend."


"You never know what you have until it's gone." I tried to inform her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She seemed irritated.

"I'm just saying Lex....I don't get to see Melo as often as you get to see Eli. And if I had something on my mind, I would talk to him about it."

"I'll talk to him if things start to get weird between us. I was overreacting last month. Eil and I are fine."

I decided to drop the subject because Lexi wasn't going to listen to me regardless of what I told her.

"How's Damien been?" She tried to start another conversation.

"He's fine." I closed my eyes. "I'm gonna get some sleep."

The rest of the flight was completely quiet, and I slept almost the entire time. It felt good to get a quick nap in before seeing my baby boy. He's always full of energy, and I would hate to be tired with him.

"Thank you so much Jasper."

"Of course Kehlani. I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded my head and started to walk down the stairs to the jet. Eli was sitting in his car waiting for us. I'd rather ride with anyone else in the world.

"My baby!!!" Lexi pushed me out of the way and ran straight to her boyfriend. He got out of the car and met her half way with a hug.

"Oh my god." I mumbled under my breath and got into the back seat. "Let's go!"

They stopped hugging, and Lexi got into the passenger seat, while Eli started the car.

"Why are you so grumpy." He exited the runway.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now