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Month 4: LANI'S POV

"Wake up Papa." Damien's eyes slowly opened, and he looked at me. "It's 7:00 am" I chuckled.

"Can we have Pancakes?"

"You gotta get up first." I left his room, and Dip followed behind me as I slowly walked down the stairs. My belly is huge now, but I know it's not done growing, which scares me. Lexi has been staying here with us so help me watch after Damien. I don't really need help, he's a easy kid, but it makes Leylah feel better.

"He wants pancakes." I told my best friend while she stood in my kitchen.

"With chocolate chips?"

"Mmhm." I nodded.

She started heating the brittle while I made the batter.

"Momma! Momma!" Damien ran down the stairs.

"What?" I laughed.

"Can we swim today?? Pleaseeee!!"

"Yea, after's gonna be hot." I enrolled Damien into preschool so he can start engaging with other kids, and catching up on knowledge that his mom never taught him, like colors, shapes, numbers, and abc's.

"Hi auntie Lexi." He hugged her legs.

"Hi papa."

I watched as he walked to the living room and turned on the TV.

"He's gotten really attached to you guys, and your lifestyle."

"I know." I huffed. "I've gotten so attached to him would break me if Leylah didn't let us go through with adopting him."

"She's going to let you guys do it. There are no better parents than the two of you." Lexi encouraged me.

"I hope you're right."

When the pancakes were done, we all sat at the table, and started eating. My phone began to ring, and Melo's face popped up on the screen.

"Daddy's calling."

Dai's eyes lit up and he stopped eating. When I answered the phone, Melo was laying down wearing a Durag.

"Hi Bebe." He smiled.

"Hi my love."

"HI DADDY!" Damien yelled. I gave my phone to him so they could talk.

"Hi papa!"

"I'm going to school today."

"Again??!" Melo's eyes got wide.

"Mmhm. Mommy says I'm a big boy now."

"She's right. How baby sister doing?" He referenced towards our baby.

"She moves a lot." Damien made a disgusted face. He hates it when the baby moves because he can see my belly contorting.

"That's really good."

"I'm going swimming today." Damien took a bite of his pancakes.

"Momma is finally gonna let you?!"

"Yea because auntie Lexi is here."

"Tell Lexi I said she a bitch for taking my place while I'm gone." Melo laughed.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now