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December 24


"Have you checked?"

"No." I mumbled. "I don't think I am."

" you wanna try again?" Melo was scratching the back of his neck.

We were standing in our bathroom. I had just put the kids to sleep, and now I would get to place my full attention on my husband.

"Do you want to? I don't really mind."

"Let's wait then. I want you to focus on finishing tour."

I nodded my head.

"You should take the test Bebe. Just to be sure."

I looked at the box resting on the marble counter. It had two pregnancy tests inside.


Melo kissed my forehead before leaving the bathroom. I don't know why I'm so nervous and vulnerable around him right now.....

Once he had closed the door, I grabbed one of the tests and pulled down my pants before squatting over the toilet and onto the stick. A couple of seconds later, I had finished following the required directions.

The plastic stick rested on the counter, and I stared at it carefully.

"Hubby, I'm done."

My husband opened the door and stood behind me. His hands rested on my waist, and he kissed my cheek.

"I love you."

Before I could respond, the line had started to appear on the plastic lining.


Melo picked up the test and threw it away.

"Next month...okay?"

I nodded my head.

"What's going on mama? Talk to me."

"Nothing. What if January is just like this? Then what?"

"Then we'll keep trying." He stared into my eyes.

"And what if I can't get pregnant?"

"Mama." He grabbed my chin. "Stop thinking about the worst thing possible. When we get to that street, we'll cross it."

"I'm just saying, I don't want you to get your hopes up."

"I think you're the only one doing that." He chuckled. "I already have kids mama. Three of them."

I was kinda confused until I realized Melo was talking about Bellamy being the third child.

"Don't trip over something we can't control. Alright?"

I nodded my head and he kissed my lips.

"Can we go to the studio? I wanna see the song you wrote for me."

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now