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"I'm ready." Melo walked into my room after he finished eating breakfast. I was currently tying my shoes, and getting ready.

"Alright." I got up from my vanity chair, lead the way out of the room.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"Well, Eddie thought it would be a good Idea if we all went to the Trap Music Museum."

"What's that?" He chuckled.

"It's a museum about trap music artists.....there's an escape room and like a bunch of artifacts and stuff. Are you down?"

"Of course....that sounds dope."

"EDDIE!" I yelled his name.

Jackson and Eddie came out from their room giggling. I swear they're always laughing for no reason.

"We're ready!" Eddie grabbed the car keys from me. "And I'll drive."

"I think least not my car."

"Melo do you know what type of car this bitch bought?"

"What kind?" Melo chuckled.

"A porsche."

"You bought a porsche?!!" His eyes got wide.

"Yes sir." I smiled and grabbed the keys back from my best friend.

"Oh should let me drive it." Melo walked next to me as we left the apartment.

"I'll think about it."

When we got into the car, I got in the driverseat while Eddie and Jackson got into the back seat. Melo sat next to me in the passenger seat, and shortly after everyone was ready, I started to drive.

"Melo!" Eddie tapped his shoulder.

"Yes sir?" He answered.

"Have you listened to Lani's album?"

"I only had time to listen to a couple songs." He replied dryly.

"Well, we should jam right now!"

"Eddie chill out." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just put all this work into each and every song on this album...his ass is going to listen to it." His phone was automatically connected to my car through bluetooth.

"Eddie." I was starting to get irritated.

"No...It's alright Bebe. He's right." Melo looked at me.

I didn't say anything. I was waiting to see what song my best friend was going to play.


(The underlined words were specifically written for analyze them carefully)

Tryna forget all of the messages
Tryna forget all of the stressin'
'Cause damn it was (such a pain)
Tryna forget all of the secondary
Feelings I had, man, it was fuckin' scary
Tryna get back to all my old ways
Tryna get back to all the hobbies from my old days
(Gettin' back)
Tryna forget all the unnecessary
Thoughts from my head, man, it was pretty scary

At least I learned a thing or two (yeah)
About me and you (yeah)
What we went through (yeah)
It made me who I am, I am, I am
I can feel again
Won't be numb again (numb)
At least I didn't mess it up (yeah)
That was all your touch (yeah)

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now