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Four Months Later.....

"Sign here, and you will officially be apart of Atlantic Records."

I took the pen, and signed my name at the bottom of the paper.

I was signed to a record label. My dream was coming true.

"Thank you so much." I smiled.

"No, thank you....We're proud to have you represent our company. You can start using the studio whenever you need, there is one in LA and out here in Atlanta. I'll get you an ID made, and we can start talking about your album release?"

"Yes, I wanna get it out as soon as possible, but I need to record, and get my songs produced."

"Done, and done....we can have our next meeting in about a month?" Josh smiled.

I got up from the chair across from his desk, giving him a hug.

"Give LaMelo my best?"

"Of course." I began to walk out of the office.

It had been four months since I had physically seen Melo. He went out to play in Lithuania after Chino Hills won CIF. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him as much as I did. So far the long distance has been working for us, and I'm supposed to see him today. Apparently, he's back for good, but I don't know how true that is so I'm not going to get my hopes up. We haven't FaceTimed because of the time difference between our locations, but texting has been alright I guess. I know I stayed up crying for this nigga like I would never see him again, and I know my heart aches for him every day, but I also know I've changed.

My hair is still short and black, but I've gotten way more tattoos, and piercings. My feature to the song Location blew up, and now I get stopped in public to take pictures. Me and Khalid also became really good friends, and he put in a good word for me at Atlantic. As well as LaMelo. Him and Josh are really good friends which worked out in my favor. I still go to Chino Hills with Eddie, and I'm friends with all of Melo's friends. Eli is the only one that has seen Melo and Gelo since they left. I wish I could say it was abrupt, but everyone knew they were going to leave, especially me. I wished Melo would have stayed, but I couldn't hold him back from moving to the next step of his career.

My next order of business was to catch my flight back to LA, and tell my family the big news. I can't believe I can start releasing real music. Not snippets on YouTube, or SoundCloud...but on Spotify and Apple Music.

Atlanta was a really nice place with the best wings I have ever had, and I would love to come here with Melo sometime. Just us two...if he hasn't already forgotten about me.

I was now at the Airport getting ready to board my plane.


I handed my ticket to the lady, and she scanned it before letting me onto the aircraft. I was only out here for a couple of hours, so I wasn't carrying any luggage.



"Here's the most recent picture we have of her." Lani's Grammy handed me a picture frame of her, that was sitting on the coffee table in the family room.

"We forced her to get portraits taken, and this is how they came out."


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