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One week later


My phone was currently going off, and my alarm was ringing. Of course Lani didn't hear it, she can sleep through anything. Her head laid on my bare chest, and her messy curls flew everywhere. Her legs straddled me, and I had a perfect view of her ass. Maybe I shouldn't have bought her thongs, she's tempting me to eat her out right now.

"Mamas" I lifted her legs off of me, and reached for my phone to turn off the alarm.


"It's time to get up."

She put her legs on each side of my torso and continued to sleep. Both of my hands grabbed her butt, and began to rub.

Her eyes shot open. She loves booty rubs.

A wide smile consumed her face showing her white teeth.

"What time is it?"


"It's so fuckin early." She whined.

"You take forever to get ready."

Without saying anything else, she got off of my lap, and pulled her shirt down covering her waist and mid thighs.

I watched as she walked to the bathroom down the hall.

I shortly followed behind her to the bathroom to get ready.

"You know what day it is?" I questioned.

"Of course!" She started to brush her teeth and I did the same.

It was our six month anniversary. Lani and I always said we wouldn't make a big deal out of our anniversary until we reach one year.

I stood behind her and pushed my waist into her butt as we brushed our teeth. A smile was brought onto her face, and blue toothpaste showed. I shook my head at her goofiness and continued to brush my teeth. Once we were done, she washed her face, and I did it after her. When we were back in her room, Lani changed into a pair of black leggings and a black cropped hoodie.

"Can we match?"

"I thought we weren't making a big deal about today."

"We're not." She smiled. "But you left your black hoodie and sweats here before you left to Lithuania. And you packed your black Air Maxes right?"

I nodded at how excited she was.

I walked to her drawer and put on the sweats and hoodie. Usually I wear a shirt under, but it's almost 70° outside today. Once she put on her black shoes we walked out to the kitchen. It was now 7:00 am and Angela and John were sitting at the kitchen table.

"The two love birds are up" Angela smiled at us.

"Do you want cereal, or fruit?" Lani turned around.

"Fruit." I smiled.

She walked into the kitchen and I sat on the counter.

" is what? Six months?" John stared at me.

"Yes sir."

"You've made it this far LaMelo. Don't mess it up now."

"Of course." I flaunted. Lani and I's relationship was very strong, and I never took that for granted.

"Melo!" Lani walked out the kitchen.

"Hmm?" I looked at her while she stood in between legs.

"We have strawberries and pineapple. Or you can have Mango and Cher-"

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now