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"Lani!" I knocked on the door. She didn't say anything. It was locked and I could tell that she wanted to be alone.

A huff escaped my lips, and I walked away from her room door.

"She's mad at me." Angela put her head down at the kitchen table.

I wasn't going to deny the facts, because I'm sure Lani was furious if it caused her to lock everyone out of her room, including me.

"Its just-" She started.


"Her mother is in town."

My eyes were wide.

"And she wants to see Lani tonight at dinner."

"Tell her no then." I tried to reason.

"I can't. By law I have to let them see each other once every couple months. It's the requirements John and I had to agree to when we became Lani's legal guardians."

" there's no getting around this?"

"Nope." She was sad.

"Lani will hate me more than she already does."

"She doesn't hate you, she's just really frustrated that you are so involved in her life. She's not used to it."

"Can you talk to her...I know she would rather hear this from you."

"I can try." I walked back to Lani's room at the end of the hall. The light was on now, and I figured she must have felt better.

"Bebé" I knocked on the door.

She unlocked it, and stood in front of me.

"I don't want to talk to her. If that's what you're here for."

"No...I know you don't want to talk to her, but I need to talk to you."

She opened the door a little more, and let me walk in.

"What?" She closed it behind me.

"You're mom is coming over for dinner."

Her response was quiet.

" it already March?"

"Yea." I sat on her bed, and she stood against the door.

"I don't have the energy to deal with her."

"I know. But you have too."

"I don't want you to meet her....go home or something."

"Lani, I'm doing this with you. When I told you I was here for you, I meant that."

"I was hoping you were lying."

"I don't lie, and you know that."

"When is she supposed to be comin-"

Lani's question was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

We walked out of the room together, and her Grammy was answering the door.

"Hello Daisy."

Lani stopped in her tracks. I could see the fear in her face.

"Hi mom!" The woman walked into the house. She looked Caucasian, and had brown hair that sat on top of her head in a bun.

Her eyes looked at mine, and then Lani's. I grabbed her hand and connected it with mine, trying to ease my girlfriend.

"Kehlani." Her mom smiled.

NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now