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I wrote this shit fast asf. I hope y'all like it!

Enjoy my loves <3



"MOVE MOVE MOVE!" The EMT's ran inside of the house with a stretcher. I was sitting next to Lani who is now unconscious. Her skin was burning up, and her nose continued to bleed.

"Tell us everything you know!" A lady started pick up Lani's body and put it on the stretcher.

"She's seventeen, um I think she did a couple grams of cocaine, maybe more." I followed them out of the house and into the ambulance. Lani had a neck brace, and a plastic board under her back to keep her stable. There was flashing cameras everywhere, and they were causing my focus to divert.

"Who are you to her?"

"I'm her boyfriend." I was frantically following them.

"Get in the ambulance." The lady picked up Lani's stretcher with three other men.

I nodded, and took a seat next to my girlfriend before they closed the doors and we began to drive.

"I'm gonna give her adrenaline, and chances are she will wake up in a couple of seconds."

The EMT sitting on the other side of my girlfriend grabbed a small syringe and injected it into her IV. He looked at his watch, and back at Lani. Her eyes slowly opened, and she looked around. There was a breathing mask on her face, and I could see her humid breath being desplayed inside of it.

"Mamas, calm down. I'm right here." I moved her hair out of her face.

She looked around, and her eyes started to water.

"You're okay....don't worry princess, you're gonna be just fine."

It took everything in me to hold my tears back, I had to be strong for her.

"We're here!" The worker opened the doors, and we were at the Los Angeles hospital.

They quickly loaded her stretcher out of the ambulance, and I held onto her hand.

"Sir, you can't come any farther than this." A doctor stopped me. I looked at the door behind her that said trauma room. "Your wife will be in room 112, down the hall as soon as we get her stable, and figure out what's going the meanwhile you should call her family."

I nodded, and started to walk to the room. It was empty, and there were a couple chairs around the hospital bed.

I'm pretty sure everything is all over the media now, so there was no point in calling anyone. Her family most likely already knows, as well as my family.



"Kehlani do you know where you are?" A light was being flashed in my eyes.

"Okay, her eyes aren't dilated, neurologically she should be fine." The light turned off, and I could see I was surrounded by a team of doctors wearing scrubs.

"My name is Dr. Bailey, you've overdosed on cocaine."

"Where's LaMelo?" I took the breathing mask off of my face.

"Oh your husband? He's waiting for you in your room....we're taking you there right now."

They pulled the handle bars from the hospital bed up, and started to wheel me into room 112.

When the door opened, Melo stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and his eyes were attached to mine.

"Hi LaMelo, I'm Dr. Robins.....Kehlani is doing fine right now. The heart and brain are the organs most vulnerable to a cocaine overdose. Her organs are looking perfectly normal from the CT Scan we ordered. Although the drug did have some effect on her brain causing seizures. We're going to keep a close eye on her for the night to make sure the seizures don't happen again, and we're gonna put her on some there anything she is allergic to?"

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