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My heart dropped.

I released the soda in my hand, and it splattered on the ground. Everyone in the studio looked at me....there were no words.

"Lani what happened?" Jamal got up from the booth chair, and used the towel next to him to clean my soda on the floor.

I didn't say anything. Tears streamed from my eyes, and down my face.

"Let me see." Ryan grabbed my phone from my hand. His eyes instantly got wide, and he showed Jamal.

"What the fuck." Jamal stated.



"Stopppp!" I whined as Courtney changed the channel.

"I don't wanna watch basketball." she giggled.

We were laying down in our bed, and I was watching the Laker game. Courtney was shifting through all of the TV channels until she reached TMZ.

"Oh my gosh know I hate this channel."

"Yea, but I love the gossip." She smiled.

"Most of the time it's not even true." I rolled my eyes.

We both got quiet, and the hosts on the screen started to display pictures while they talked.

"BREAKING NEWS!! YG has cheated on his long time girlfriend Kehlani!"

"Oh shit." Courtney started laughing.

"Shhhh!" I grabbed the remote from her and turned it up.

"The rapper was found outside of a local LA strip club, kissing what seems to be Allysa Rossel, Courtney Conejo's sister!!."

The screen showed both my girlfriend, and her sister's instagram pictures.


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NOTHING EVEN MATTERS - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now