M/A Can't Be A Parent

501 22 2

Cold Rice Shrimp: Mommy I have a boo-boo!

Master Attendant: Oh no, let me see it sweetie.

Cold Rice Shrimp: It's bleeding!

Master Attendant: Oh honey, you'll be okay.

Cold Rice Shrimp: Will you kiss it?

Master Attendant: Are you kidding me that's fucking disgusting no way--


Jiuniang: Master Attendant, where do babies come from?

Master Attendant: A stork.

Jiuniang: Wouldn't the baby be too heavy?

Master Attendant: It's a magical stork.

Jiuniang: That doesn't make any sense!

Master Attendant: Oh my God fuck it--

Master Attendant: DADDY FUCKED MOMMY--


Cheese: I wanna eat my candy!

Master Attendant: Cheese I have to check it first.

Cheese: No I wanna eat it now!

Master Attendant: Fuck it choke on a razor blade Happy Halloween--


Strawberry Daifuku: Master Attendant--!

Master Attendant: *grabs steak knife and raises it threateningly*

Master Attendant: WHAT DO YOU WANT!?

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