Opinion Onions

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1. Can I just say that I hate how Bloody Mary has a linked skill with Black Pudding? Like the only interaction I remember they ever had was the Guest From Afar event, after that they like never interact again. He should have a linked skill with either Steak or Pretzel, as that would make more sense considering they're both a huge part of his backstory and in-game stories.

To further solidify my point;

Black Pudding: Hey we should team up to kill Pretzel

Bloody Mary: Aight sounds good fam

Weisswurst: Surprise motherfuckers

Bloody Mary: ShIT

Black Pudding: I suddenly have to go, Spaghetti calls for me elsewhere

*compared to*

Steak & Red Wine: *screaming as they run from Bloody Mary, with Steak carrying Gingerbread*

Bloody Mary: I'm gonna kill you Red~! I'm gonna take what's rightfully mine~!

Pretzel: FBI OPEN UP

Idk man might just be me being a salty bitch

2. We should be able to have the option to do either real Team Up or solo Team Up. Other people are too unpredictable with what Food Souls they'll pick and they always fricking leave. At this rate I'll never get any of their skins or the Food Souls from there. It'll just be me, my 3 Cola shards, and my 8 Salty Tofu shards.

3. Calling characters "traps" is transphobic and violent. Don't do it.

4. Can we have more canon interactions between the most unlikely of Food Souls? Like we only ever really got that during the Joyous Celebration event. We need more canon angst events too.

5. I used to be so curious about Black Truffle, but tbh she's kind of an ass. Like her favorite hobby is bullying her sister White Truffle, taking sadistic pleasure in seeing her flustered and defeated face, even when this science Goddess gave up her eyesight just to stabilize her after the chaos contamination thing. Black Truffle is just... she's toxic in all aspects from what I know of her. I feel so bad for White Truffle for having to deal with her, but at least she has her friends Waffle, Gyudon, Braised Noodles, Hardtack Biscuit, Cherub, and Donut.

6. I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but Elex/Funtoy should really have everything for a Food Soul ready before they get released. There are so many Food Souls who've been out for a while, but have no voice (ex. Bloody Mary, Mung Bean Soup, Turkey, Eggnog, etc.). With all of the money they get from whales, you'd think that they'd be able to pay for some voice actors. And it doesn't even have to be long-term voice actors who've done multiple characters, since once that Food Soul's voicelines are done, you wouldn't have to pay them anymore until you hire them again.

7. What if Turducken is associated with the dead and ghosts because three different animals have to die for the food to be made? A duck gets stuffed into the turkey, and then a chicken gets stuffed into the duck.

8. I don't really understand how Food Soul biology works. Like they can bleed, they can eat (but don't require to), they can sleep, and they supposedly can break bones and stuff. But what about when they "die"? Like when they have completely run out of power, but have to wait until they get summoned again to be back around? I always imagined them being like the Gems from Steven Universe for some reason; projections of light, so their bodies aren't necessarily real. Then when they "die", it's like a Gem getting poofed. And when they're fully killed (like during the Magic Academy experiments and the FS that Bifty Boi killed in his backstory), it's like the Gem getting shattered.

It might just be my saltiness and confusion regarding the lack of information about how Food Souls work, paired with my love for Steven Universe talking.

9. I hate that some Food Souls will only be available on certain servers. Like I'm pretty sure the Sakura Tea and Swiss Roll Food Souls will only be available on the CN server, and I'm pretty sure that Oden (one of the new M units) will only be available on the JP server. I want the Ensemble Stars Pizza skin ;-;

10. I wish we knew more about the Food Souls' personal interests. Like we know their backstories and can assume their interests and whatnot (White Truffle likes Milk Tea's stories, Foie Gras has interest in building snowmen), but I wish it was moreso stated that they liked certain things.

11. I don't care how sad his backstory is-- I don't like Whiskey. I like him as a villain, but I won't go "I stan Whiskey" or defend him. Yeah he wants to see his deceased lover or whoever again, but he's a selfish bastard with no regard for others and manipulative of people's insecurities and greatest fears. There's no excuse for manipulating people, destroying entire societies, and using people as test subjects just for your own desires.

12. Imagine how cool it would be if the main character/player joined Boston Lobster's team. Like not to destroy humanity and the contracts entirely, but just to take down the organizations running experiments on Food Souls and turning them into Fallen Angels.

13. If you make a Food Soul OC before a canon character of the same name is released, it's okay. You don't have to destroy the OC. If it's something like Cookie, you can change it to a specific kind of cookie. If it's a very specific dish, then it's still okay.

14. This isn't an opinion, it's an AU I came up with yesterday, but I wanted to share it anyway; We know that Surstromming, Black Pudding, and Margarita have background ties to Holy See members. Surstromming with Fish and Chips, Black Pudding with Pretzel and Weisswurst, and Margarita with Tequila. Well what if, when they were being confronted by the Holy See members, they were taken back to the base/headquarters/wherever they stay, but the next morning they're suddenly missing. Well, what if Spaghetti was the true definition of evil (not as evil as Whiskey) and injected this kind of control medicine into them? So like he brainwashed them with it and guaranteed their loyalty to him? It's possible to do something like that, it's shown with the dagger used on Cassata.

15. I know that Napoleon Cake was on an island or something, and because I'm too lazy to actually read his backstory, I have a question-- was it because that's the same thing that happened to Napoleon?

16. Croissant and Lamb Chop's designs look like perfect designs for Angel Food Cake and Devil's Food Cake. I mean Croissant has the halo, wings, and harp. Lamb Chop has the horns, wings, and arrogance.

17. So far, the only two alcohol Food Souls I've seen that aren't completely addicted to drinking almost every other hour or so are Whiskey and Realgar Wine. Like I don't think it's ever been stated that Whiskey has drank alcohol, or anything for that matter.

18. Not also does the bad snake man have a linked skill with Pizza and Cassata has a linked skill with him, he has the same favorite food as Cassata. He really is not gonna leave the babies alone.

19. Honestly what does Elex even do with the money it gets from whales and whatnot? 

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