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Sakuramochi wanted to be a blood donor but, since she is a Food Soul, her blood (do they have blood?) Wouldn't work for humans.

Popcorn does Fortnite dances just to piss Sandwich off.

Jello has social anxiety.

Cheese steals Pizza's hat all of the time, Pizza steals Cassata's scarf all of the time, Cassata steals Whiskey's success all of the time, and Whiskey steals all of their happiness.

Spectra, since he apparently looks like a famous chef from the Guild, either killed himself in the Catacombs or froze to death. Spectre are the assistants that were with him and the investigators that went to look for him.

Inugami is the mother of all the Fallen Angels. She takes care of Aizen when he's drunk, she helps repair the Prajna with Orochi, she helps Uke Mochi calm down, and so on.

Sashimi wants to know how to use a yo-yo but is too intimidated by Dorayaki to ask him.

Caviar has the Sixth Sense, or at least at certain times.

Turducken also has Sixth Sense.

The only way to make Sachertorte happy is with Baguette.

Fruit Tart actually cares about Souffle okay.

Stargazy Pie and Bloody Mary are cousins. Reasoning? Bloody Mary's Master Attendant was the older sister of Stargazy Pie's.

I know none of them are technically related via their 1st Master Attendant, but let me have my family headcanons/AU alright

Gingerbread lost her other shoe so she kinda stands awkwardly, since her shoe has a heel.

Canon Master Attendant is a fucking asshole.

Salty Tofu and Sweet Tofu once did a circus performance together as practice. Things didn't go well, enough said.

Sweet Tofu has a mental disorder. What it is, Idk.

Okay so hear me out with this one: What if the reason the princess (Cheese's MA) couldn't recover from her sickness is because Pizza has heal block. Perfect for angst.

Not really a headcanon, but if Cassata's current outfit was tailored by the kingdom they used to live in, then what was he wearing when he was summoned?

Yogurt carries hand sanitizer on her 24/7.

Napoleon Cake says "And I oop" all of the time (and it bothers everyone else in the DDS so much).

Red Wine and Bloody Mary would make a deal over Steak.

Gingerbread leaves Christmas decorations up all year. One time, when they were staying in an inn, Steak took a Christmas wreath down and she lost it.

Eclair spits out coronavirus memes while Vodka drinks corona alcohol.

Turkey's wings are very sensitive, and the feathers need to be brushed every morning and every night. He doesn't like anyone touching them because of how sensitive they are, and if one of the feathers is pulled off before it naturally falls out, he feels a lot of pain.

Brownie has emotional breakdowns whenever he fails as a butler.

Bamboo Rice is Food Fantasy's Gonta Gokuhara okay. They both big and muscle, they both got green hair, they both were raised/live in the wilderness, and they both stupid (but loved).

Hamburger and Cola write on each others face only to laugh at what they see.

Marshmallow doesn't brush her teeth so the other members of the Eye of Horus have to constantly remind her.

Candy Cane is petrified of offending others (much like myself) and everyone else in the Holy See knows this. She is, in their eyes, the child they must protect.

Realgar Wine is the "child" (this man is not a child lol) of Longjing Tea's group. Zitui Bun is his caregiver, Dragon & Phoenix is his overwhelming older brother figure/guardian, Dragon's Beard Candy is his older sister figure, and Longjing Tea is the legal guardian of all of them. Wuyi Da Hong Pao Tea is like his distant uncle or whatever.

Pizza has a natural response to flinch whenever something gets too close to his face. Like if you're stretching and your elbow gets too close to his face, he'll flinch and squeeze his eyes shut. If you're standing next to him and you move too quickly, he'll do the same thing.

Hishi Mochi was once in the room when everyone was watching horror movies, specifically ones that feature cursed and evil dolls. She freaked out and started attacking the TV. Kashiwa Mochi and Unadon had to calm her down afterwards.

Longxi Cured Ham is a necrophiliac and a grave robber.

Stargazy Pie has insomnia and that's why she looks so tired.

American Corn Bread's favorite My Little Pony character is Applejack, and her other most loved characters are the other members of the Apple family.

Beer feels deeply hurt whenever people say he caused the "beer bellies".

Gloriville and Light Kingdom are the two most populated regions, Nevras being a close third, Palata and West Palata coming in 4th and 5th place(s), and Sakurajima being the least populated region. 

Tempura is a ttyhard at sports.

If Macaron wants something, Crepe will buy it for her.

Food Souls can speak whatever language the country they're from speaks. Examples; Cassata can speak Italian, Canele can speak French, Tequila can speak Spanish, and Cloud Tea can speak Chinese.

Eclair has tried to vape before and Brownie was not having it.

People constantly try to stick pizza toppings on Pizza's face to see how he reacts to the many pizzas of the world. Yes, they did this for pineapple pizza and Swedish banana pizza.

Omurice has multiple alarms set and they all play Jello's music.

In an alternate universe, Napoleon Cake acts exactly like Napoleon did.

Black Forest Cake has perfect grammar. Whether it be writing, typing/texting, or speaking, she has proper grammar and never uses slang. She keeps a little notebook to keep track of things and one time Black Pudding and Stargazy Pie got hold of it. They changed everything to improper grammar and slang, and Black Forest Cake didn't even finish the first sentence before she broke down crying.

People come to the restaurant not only for the great service and food, but because they like to listen to the drama. Omurice and Pudding arguing in the kitchen while cooking? Jello and Mango Pudding arguing over who gets to perform today? Hearing Steak, Red Wine, and Bloody Mary all argue? Perfection.

Pizza can jump very high, slow down how quickly he falls, and is very flexible. He can also telepathically control his flag.

Salty Tofu makes the sexual noises whenever someone is on a phone call.

The chibi forms do exist, and they're like Familiars for Food Souls. Those who ready have a born companion, like Vodka with Andre and White Truffle with Cherub, have a Familiar for pet too.

The fancy Food Souls (Red Wine, Spaghetti, Stargazy, Champagne, etc.) Have a separate dining table than everyone else.

Baguette once said fuck out loud and Sachertorte lost his cool.

Canele and Donut occasionally meet up with the Holy See for religious events.

Eclair is a SoundCloud rapper, and he sometimes has Napoleon or Vodka join in on a song.

Jello's songs are mainly like Vocaloid songs, meanwhile Mango Pudding is more of a romance singer.

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