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Splatoon AU: Jello is Callie and Mango Pudding is Marie, and they go by the name of Squid Sisters despite hating each other. They wear their usual clothes from Food Fantasy, but they have the bodies, voices, and hair of Inklings, so Jello's ink/tentacle hair is green while Mango Pudding's is yellow. Cap'n Cuttlefish is... uh.... Pudding! Yeah, Pudding! And Omurice is Agent 3! The Octolings can be the Fallen Angels, I guess. But imagine if this were a real game and so, when it's a Splatfest and the idols are doing their performance, if Omurice is left idle for too long he'll pull out his glow sticks and start bopping to the song with everyone else in the plaza.

Percy Jackson AU: So the God of Beginnings created the Greek Gods, who after a few years spread to all corners of the world. Upon the creation of Fallen Angels from the God of Beginnings after the Era War, the Greek Gods then created the Food Souls that lay dormant inside of the food. As more and more Food Souls get awakened, the Gods decide to create a deserted island where they can all live when they have no Master Attendant. So shortly after their first contracts expire, the Food Souls get whisked away to this island, where they all meet and are like "so what traumatic experience did your Master Attendant give you".

Italian Trio AU: Oh I love angst and the Italian Trio. So we know that Whiskey wanted to cure the princess by turning Pizza into a Fallen Angel and having him kill people, which would like transfer their soul power into the princess, right, but Pizza refused and she died. Well, what if Whiskey decided to not be an asshole and instead transferred Pizza's soul power into the princess, only... he transferred like all of his soul power into the princess. So Pizza goes from being a UR to a M, like Cheese, only he's in horrible condition, so he's more like Rice. Instead of the princess being sick, he's the sick one, coughing up blood and unable to do anything besides sleep, talk, and suffer. And so, at the end of the story, Pizza dies. The saddest part? He doesn't come back. He can't come back.

Steven Universe AU: All of the Food Souls are Gems! Master Attendant fills the role of Steven Universe, being half human and half Gem (Food Soul). The roles of the Diamonds, the Crystal Gems (I'm imagining the Order of Canaan), and everyone else is entirely up to you. They have their Gem names, but get their Food Soul names because that's the first Earth food they took interest in.

Trophy AU: Food Souls were the protectors of humanity, and they were the only ones who could stop Fallen Angels. However, as science and technology advanced, the humans developed their own weapons that they could use to fend for themselves, and so Cooking Attendants and Food Souls were no longer needed. Cooking Attendants continued whatever jobs they had, but Food Souls were treated like trophies and relics of the past. For Food Souls like Champagne and Turkey, who were kings, they were made the crown jewels of the kingdom, but they were no longer in positions of power. They may be the kings, but the power has been stolen from them. And so on.

Abused AU: Just like the name suggests, an AU where every Food Soul gets abused by their Master Attendant. Whether it be physical, mental, verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse. Or all of them.

Alien Planet AU (or Subnautica AU, if you like that game): MA is a member of a corporation that explores the galaxy and establishes outposts and phase gates, but during one of the missions to establish a phase gate, something goes wrong with the spaceship's engine and they crashland on an alien planet that, while marked in the corporation's files, has never been explored nor researched. So MA has to live off of the land (or ocean) in their tiny lifepod, finding the necessary resources to craft tools that will help them get around, and find the remains of the other survivors that crash landed with them. All while avoiding the planet's hostile inhabitants, seemingly immortal beings with magical powers, all of which go by the names of food back home.

Mermaid AU: All of the Food Souls are Merfolk, and all of the humans and elves are inhabitants of the land. For centuries, there has been a magical barrier around the Mer Kingdom, preventing the underwater race from leaving the safety of their borders unless they had a Fantasy Crystal-- ancient and powerful gemstones that are owned by the royal family and the highest ranking council members. One day, a close friend of the heir gets a hold of one of these crystals, and they can't resist a trip to the world outside of their confined kingdom.

Idol AU: There are more Food Soul idols than just Jello and Mango Pudding. It's up to choice on who they are, you can even include the Ensemble Stars (I think that's the name) Food Soul costumes-- Pizza, Salad, Chocolate, and I think the other one is Wonton.

Zombie AU: A Zombie virus outbreak has taken place in Tierra, its roots being in an underground laboratory in Sakurajima. At first it only affected rodents, but soon it spread to other animals, and eventually it began to infect humans. Master Attendant is one of the only humans left alive, and is struggling to keep it that way as the numbers of zombies grow every day. With only Olivia, Mithra, Ichi, and their Food Souls to help them and keep them company, they'll have to find a cure for this disease. But one day, many years after the outbreak starts, a Food Soul shows the first signs of infection.

Highschool AU: All of the Food Souls have become teenagers, so of course they need to attend highschool! They're put into classes and form their own cliques, from the mean girls-- Stargazy Pie and Fruit Tart, for example-- to the Dessert Delight Squad.

Danganronpa AU: 16 Food Souls, all with the titles of Ultimates, find themselves locked inside of the Magic Academy. An animatronic mascot of the school, with seemingly advanced AI, informs them that they're now participants in the Killing Game-- and only 2 of them can make it out alive. With each day of the Killing Game, tensions rise, alliances/friendships are made, but so are rivalries and enemies. In a desperate search for a way to escape they explore the building, but this Mastermind only has so much patience... and they have plenty of motives to get blood spilt.

Quarantine AU: Idk, I just kinda came up with this one, but like coronavirus in Tierra and describing how the MA deals with daily life of having to have themselves, Ichi, and the Food Souls all in one building. That's right, not even Food Souls are allowed to leave the building until self-quarantine is over.

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