Just Another Day

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Cheese: Pizza


Cheese: PIZZA *pulls blanket off of him*

Pizza: *looks like absolute shit* What do you want

Cheese: I made breakfast, do you want some?

Pizza: Girl nobody wants your crappy breakfast you probably tried to make bacon in the toaster

Cheese: It's not crappy! I made pancakes, bacon NOT IN THE TOASTER, sausage, toast, and freshly squeezed orange juice!

Pizza: *narrows eyes* Girl that is not freshly squeezed orange juice, that's Tropicana from the fridge.

Cheese: You know what? I'm not taking your attitude today, go back to bed, you need your beauty sleep. Looking like something a Fallen Angel shits out

Pizza: You woke me up so now I can't. And you better get me a plate, otherwise I'm telling Master Attendant that you're starving me!


Pizza: *throws mini pillow* Did you hear me!?

Cheese: Boi if I spill this orange juice-- *drink gets spilled on her* That's it, I'M telling Master Attendant!

Pizza: *pulls blanket back over himself* Crybaby

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