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Steak has abandonment issues. It's a serious problem.

Food Souls smell like the food they personify. Their smell gets stronger when they get hotter. That's how people can always find Steak easily, he's so warm you can smell him from a mile away.

Food Souls have a greater ability to heal than humans do. So they can heal their teeth too. It's a good thing because one time Cheese played a prank on Pizza and he chipped nearly all of his teeth. It wasn't a pretty sight.

When a Food Soul gets summoned, they leave like a little note for their friends. Something like "Hey, just got summoned, see you when the contract expires" or whatever.

A Food Soul can create whatever food they personify out of their bare hands. If this was an available function in the game, then you'd be able to get at least rice, cheese, red wine, and milk for free.

The only reason they have preferred recipes is because they eat food to feel closer to humans.

If he gains an emotional attachment to you, Souffle will make a doll version of you. Every last detail will be correct. The length of the hair, the shape and size of the eyes, the one finger that's shorter on your left hand than on your right, and so on.

Hamburger and Cola have a High School Musical shrine. Every morning they blast a playlist and it annoys the hell out of everyone.

Pizza can do a full split and not feel anything. He wasn't paying attention and Cheese pushed him, and he just slid down to the floor in a beautiful split. Both Cheese and Cassata were flipping out.

Opera Cake looks so serious all of the time because he's plotting the murder of everyone around him.... except for Blue Cheese.

Sachertorte has insomnia and that's why he's so sick of everyone's shit.

Steak is that person who will stare at the pile of laundry in the corner of a dark room wondering if it's a pile of laundry or a hellish creature coming to kill him.

Tofu twins have collar kink.

Rice is the snitch of the Food Souls. She reports everything to Master Attendant.

Olivia seems like an asshole to Food Souls sometimes but only because she either had a Food Soul, or someone she knew had one, that either turned against them or turned into a Fallen Angel. So she doesn't want to get too attached in case it happens again.

Inugami is the chill Fallen Angel who just wants to observe the scenery. It's her Tanuki children you have to watch out for.

Orochi, in the main story, is the former Master Attendant of Sushi and Sashimi. He made the Prajna the way they are because it reminded him of those two, and how they would risk their lives to protect him.

Pizza changes his personality to fit better with whoever he's talking to. But it's only when he first meets them. He'll start to act like his usual self once he gets to know them.

Boston Lobster is overprotective of Salt n' Pepper Shrimp. He's protective of everyone in his group, but he's overprotective of our little Pipi because they went through similar stuff.

Oyster can create pearls in his mouth. They form over time. Stargazy Pie loves to take them and make bracelets and necklaces out of them, since Oyster has no need for them.

Borscht is Desire Tavern mom. She wakes everyone up and makes them breakfast. She's also keeping tabs on everyone's chores. She makes sure everyone does their part.

Oyster is f l e x i b l e.

Black Forest Cake actually really likes Stargazy Pie's dress, but she's so used to a military lifestyle that she can't embrace an outfit like that.

Everyone enjoys Brownie's existence. They wanna help him with his chores, even though he insists that he can handle everything on his own. The others leave him gifts of appreciation from time to time.

Omurice admires both Jello and Pudding, actually. He admires Jello for her music, cuteness, all that Canon stuff. But he admires Pudding for his seriousness and being able to be as supportive as he is while being so serious.

Marshmallow once found and brought a snake into the Eye of Horus headquarters and Baguette SCREAMED.

Turkey doesn't act like it, but he actually enjoys headpats from Eggnog when it's just them.

Steak takes great pride in his horns and taking care of them, but it's a tedious task. He has asked Red Wine and Gingerbread for help before, but was super embarrassed and shy about it.

Cheese is origami queen. She makes little animal origami for Pizza and Cassata whenever they're sad.

Crepe uses TikTok and Snapchat.

Salty Tofu gets suspicious whenever he finds Sweet walking around the restaurant at night. Especially when he gets near the Master Attendant's room.

Everyone in Satan's Coffee House, except Escargot, can square dance. They learned it from Chocolate.

Macaron has memorized every Vocaloid song word-for-word and she sings them at random. She knows both the English and the Japanese versions. Sometimes she combines lyrics from different songs to mess with people.

Everyone except Peking Duck, Mapo Tofu, Lion's Head, and Mandarin Squirrel Fish react badly to Buddha's Temptation without his hat on. They're just not used to seeing his hair.

Pizza keeps forgetting he has a hat, so Cheese and Cassata always have to keep an eye on it in his place.

Master Attendant acts high and mighty in front of others, but is actual a sweetheart when It's just them and the Food Souls. Ichi and Mithra are the only ones who know.

Skewer is recovering from a mahjong addiction. Totally wasn't because of Sichuan Hotpot. Never.

Sandwich and Popcorn hate each other, but they're the only ones allowed to pick on each other.

Rice's bedroom is right next to Master Attendant's room.

Despite being rivals, Mango Pudding and Jello have done a few song collabs.

Like the drink she's born from, Milk hates hot temperatures and being outside for too long. She can get quite..... sour.

Crepe can run in high heels. Everyone asks her how her feet aren't in agony and she says that they used to hurt, but now they don't. It all started when she was trying on a new pair of high heels and Macaron told her a sale was going on. She ran to the store in high heels.

All of the Food Souls eventually get summoned by Master Attendant. When MA is on their deathbed, Rice is the last one to see them before they part. The Food Souls all leave the restaurant and continue their lives as usual, but they carry MA in their hearts more than all of their previous masters, and they leave with bonds they never thought they would've made before. 

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