I Took This From A YouTube Video

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MA: *going to meet the Italian Trio for the first time*

MA: Cheese looks cute, finally a girl Food Soul whose boobs don't look like weird orb creatures *looks at Milk* Yeah I'm talking about you

Cheese: *looks down at her chest*

Cassata: *breathing*

MA: He looks nothing like this weird fruit casserole thing *holds up cassata* And is that thing he's holding a....? It looks like a knife umbrella, can someone tell me what that is?

Pizza: *staring off into space in his ascended skin*



Pizza's Thoughts: I still don't know whether or not he's there... I can't lead Cheese into danger, I'll have to find another opportunity to go and investigate it myself....

Cassata: Don't look so scared, Pizza

MA: Oh yeah, it's that anxiety weed he smoking


MA: *readjusting the blunt in Pizza's mouth* I feel like I'm nursing a child right now

MA: Like here is your blunt, baby, sweet child. Here is your blunt

MA: *turns to Cassata with a blunt* Oh, he already has a weed plant sticking out of his mouth-- well here, TWO blunts!

MA: He's really agitated now!


MA: *attaching weed plant to Pizza's hat*

MA: Oh wait, so that's not a cape? I guess that's just a really shitty flag

MA: It's all beat up and everything

Pizza: *sniffles*


Citizen: You can't go in there, it's dangerous!

MA: I like how this random guy who probably walks like his shit don't stink looks like he's twice the size of Pizza

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