This Was Funnier In My Head

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Black Forest Cake: Did you bring it?

Black Pudding: Yep, just like you asked me to

Spaghetti: What are you three up to?

Stargazy Pie: Nothing dangerous

Spaghetti: Hm, well. Borscht, Surstromming, Margarita and I will be out running some errands. Black Pudding, you're in charge. Black Forest Cake and Stargazy, don't destroy the house while we're gone. AND OYSTER, STOP MOPING AROUND IN YOUR ROOM

The girls:

*later, after the others left*

Black Forest Cake: *pulling on the rope* Pull harder!

Stargazy Pie: I'm trying, but he's persistent in resisting!!

Oyster: *desperately holding onto his carpet as there is a rope tied around his leg* LEAVE ME ALONE

Back Pudding: *stabs hook into Oyster's back* GET OUT HERE OYSTER

Spaghetti: *opens front door* We're back--!!

Borscht: *drops groceries*

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