I Spent Too Much Time Making This

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Pizza: *looks at Cheese* Did you eat my powdered donuts?

Cheese: *mouth full of donuts* No.

Pizza: Then what's that white powder on your skirt?

Cheese: That's cocaine.


Pizza: Here Cassata, a nice, hot plate of braised lamb!

Cassata: Oh, it's cold.

Pizza: A nice plate of braised lamb!

Cassata: *bites* It's horrible, Pizza.

Pizza: A plate of braised lamb......?

Cassata: I'm not even sure this is lamb meat.

Pizza: P l a t e


Cassata: Cheese, you need a hobby.

Cheese: I already have a hobby.

Cassata: Eating when you're bored doesn't count.


Pizza: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.

Cheese: I witnessed the dumb stuff.

Pizza: I recorded the dumb stuff.

Cheese: I joined you in the dumb stuff.

Cassata: I tried to stop both of you from doing the dumb stuff.


Pizza: Hey! Guys, guess what I got!

Cheese: A brain?

Cassata: A new friend?

Whiskey: A kill?

MA: More ingredients?

Pizza: Nope!


MA: Cheese and Pizza, you two handle the Fallen Angel. Cassata, you and I are gonna deal with Whiskey.

Cassata: How do we make it look like an accident?

MA: I'm not saying murder! We're just gonna talk to him, like normal people!

Pizza: You better murder him after what he did--


Cassata: *talking to a babysitter* Yeah, so they usually eat around 6, but Cheese might wanna eat earlier than that and after that. Make sure she gets a late night snack, too. Oh, and make sure Pizza gets his nap, he gets cranky if he doesn't.

Pizza: What are you doing?

Cheese: We're grown people!

Cassata: Pizza! Cheese! The adults are talking!

Pizza: *glares*

Cheese: *glares*

Cassata: *glares*

Cassata: So yeah, I'll be back around 9.


Cassata: Sometimes I feel like dying.

Pizza: Wh--

Cassata: But then I remember that I won't see you if I do.

Pizza: *blushes*

Cheese: Get a room.


Cheese: It's impossible to say the word 'bubbles' threateningly.

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