Chess Piece

125 7 1

MA: Everyone, meet Spaghetti. He's new to the restaurant, so make him feel welcome!

Sandwich: *stumbles in with roughed up clothes* Master Attendant, we got a dine and dasher!

MA: God fucking dammit-- alright team let's go!

*exit all, fast forward to later*

Borscht: *giving him a tour* And that's the Italian Trio-- Pizza has the flag, Cassata is the one with the red hair, and Cheese is the one with the mouse ears.

Spaghetti: Hm.... *lands eyes on Pizza* He could make a fine chess piece.





Spaghetti: What?

Pizza: Don't. Call. Me. Chess. Piece.

Spaghetti: oh shit

Pizza: I know you have ties to Whiskey, I can feel it in your energy, I can see it in your eyes. Talk to me, my boyfriend, and my sister like that again, and I can promise you that you won't be able to sleep for the next five fucking years.

Spaghetti, to MA as they pass by: I like him.

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