Is This Ship Canon?

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Sachertorte: There's only one thing worst than dying.

Sachertorte: *pulls down paper to reveal "Baguette"* Boom.

Fruit Tart: Baguette.

Sachertorte: No--


Sachertorte: You play detective too much, we should split up.

Baguette: Excellent idea! We can cover more ground this way!


Baguette: I can hold the whole world in my hands.

Sachertorte: No you can't--

Baguette: *cups Sachertorte face in his hands, while standing on a chair* I just did.

Sachertorte: ...... Stop it. I have a reputation to uphold.


Fruit Tart: We have your son.

Sachertorte: I don't have a son.

Fruit Tart: Then who is This? *puts conversation on speaker*

Baguette, to Souffle: Can I have another blanket? It's cold in here.

Sachertorte, grabbing his suitcase: You have my Baguette--

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