Chapter 5: New pages

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Aizawa and Izuku got along very well.
Aizawa being probably the only hero he could have got to know who didn't object to Izuku already drinking coffee daily.

The hero was a little concerned though, when he discovered the kid was living alone.
He was mature, sure. But fifteen was still too young not to have someone to be able to at least talk to. Besides it was clear he wasn't been told everything.

Izuku did say he got money from parents and regular calls, but the hero was still a little doubtful, letting it pass for now. He gave the kid his private number and promised Izuku could talk to him, if he had any worries.

They mostly used that chat for cat pictures though.


Aizawa met with Izuku every morning after his shift.
They'd get a coffee at Aizawa's favourite cafe and talk over the news, then train together at an old warehouse well out of the way where no one would see them fight.

The greenette was no match at first, Aizawa getting him in a choke hold or trapping him with his scarf within five moves or so. But gradually he became able to hold his own, exchanging blows for ten to fifteen minutes before Aizawa's superior experience led him into some trap.
The passive muscle memory quirk he had obtained certainly helped, along with one of his new favourites - 'instinct' which gave him a sixth sense of sorts. He soon became adept in Aizawa's mixed combat technique, combining it with his dance training to create his own fluid style.

Aizawa never dared tell Izuku just how talented he was, fearing it would make the kid negligent. Izuku already had a strong sense of how powerful he was; it had been a few months since Aizawa had last heard him use the term 'if' when talking about going to UA, but the greenette was a teenager. He'd dealt with enough of those pig headed brats who die young from hubris. He would not risk Izuku becoming one of them... that said, an inflated ego would be justified in Izuku's case...

Aizawa hadn't told him yet, but he was going to send him in on recommendation, this guy would completely destroy the entrance exam for the others, it wouldn't be fair. It would be fun...don't get him wrong, but he did actually need to assess the other students.

He felt distressed when his quirk failed against the kid and he wasn't even reliant on it in combat. He could imagine all the strongest emitter type hopefuls standing in horror as their quirks were activated and directed without their control. He could see Izuku using Midnight's quirk to put his competitors to sleep.
He could see so many brilliant possibilities... but he had to do the heroic thing. For now. He smirked at the thought of the sports festival.

Brought back to the present by the whirring of the cafe's coffee machine, Aizawa looked across at his student, Izuku as the latter drank his coffee, gazing absently out the window over the quiet street below.

Black hair with green highlights grown to a similar length to his, but better cared for and braided to stay out his eyes. It gave Izuku a strange androgynous beauty, though don't get Aizawa wrong - he would never see the kid that way.

Those warm emerald eyes were very mysterious. Aizawa was in no doubt they held secrets, for starters Izuku had never told him his family name...yet he decided early in their friendship that he trusted the kid enough to let it be, or wait for him to be trusted enough to be confided in.

To add to his feminine looks, Izuku had an pretty curvy figure, and he moved like a dancer more than a fighter. He turned combat into an art.
Plus, he seemed very aware of his looks and very capable of flirting and teasing. The poor barista was an absolutely helpless blushing mess with the way Izuku went on.

It amused Aizawa, and was a useful skill in itself, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, flirty, cute Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes.

"I'm going to put forward my recommendation that you attend class 1A this year. I have never recommended anyone before, you'll be under close scrutiny but you'll certainly get in."

Aizawa watched Izuku closely for his reaction. The greenette seemed earnestly surprised and happy, but then his brows furrowed a little. He put down his empty coffee cup.

"I really appreciate it, and spotlights don't bother me much, but, shouldn't I take the entrance exam with everyone else? Isn't it unfair?"

Aizawa smirked.
"In this case, it would be more unfair on the others if you competed. Don't worry, once they try to fight you, no one will hassle you for being recommended and there'll be plenty of opportunities to wreak havoc. I'd say that you'll be in my class so I can keep an eye on you, but I doubt somehow you'll need any help."

"I'll do my best not to let you down, Sensei!"
Izuku gave a mock salute.
"Then let's go train. Try to last twenty minutes against me this time." Said Aizawa, fighting the temptation to smile.

Izuku nodded, and left to pay the bill; after they'd got into this routine, he'd insisted he pay for the coffees as Aizawa was training him.
After Izuku had insisted, Aizawa had reluctantly caved, he'd never tell the kid that the training was good for him as well. No one else gave him as much of a challenge in quirk free combat, it kept him in shape too.


Izuku returned to his lovely dressing room in the club - he'd got his own soon after arriving once his popularity grew, and smiled in the large oval mirror. He was one analyser quirk richer.

He sat, and wriggled a little as he unclipped his corset, and took a proper deep breath for the first time in hours. He moved over to a burgundy wardrobe and pulled out charcoal jeans and a nice baggy hoodie he could curl into before collapsing onto the ancient sofa, and checking his phone.
He was surprised to find a message from Aizawa.

Aizawa: Izuku, want to come watch the entrance exam?
Izuku: Definitely!

Now he was going to UA, though he'd still need work, only doing weekends would be practical for now. He got up and packed his rucksack, before heading out the door and down the corridor to pay his boss a visit.
The man wouldn't let him cut down to weekends, and to performances only so Izuku quit. He'd gotten an offer for a more reputable club a while back, but had been too in need of the extra money he could get here to go.
He hoped Mihoko was still interested in hiring him.

Only performing would suit Izuku much better as it meant kissing could still happen, but he didn't have to sleep with anyone. Prostitution paid better but he was secure enough as it was, besides there were hardly any new patrons now and he'd been with the rest.

He did enjoy the dancing, and hoped he'd never have to do more of the other stuff... least not the paid kind. Maybe he'd be able to start a proper relationship with someone at UA...Though... now he thought about it, his quirk could make it difficult to judge if anyone genuinely liked him.

'Drawing' powerful quirk users didn't seem to mean sexual specifically, as Aizawa appeared unaffected in that way. But still, how else was it going to effect a bunch of hormonal teenagers?

Inspite of himself, Izuku knew he was beginning to see the underground hero as a father figure.
He tried to resist though, disappointment sucked after all.


"Don't you think setting it in an entire ginormous fake city is a little excessive?" Asked Izuku weakly as he and Aizawa approached the observation deck.

He'd gone to gaze at the gates longingly in better times, but the place and its grandeur still astounded him... though now he saw all the money that could have been invested in better causes. But he guessed the best hero school in the country needed to look impressive, and those ginormous walls and high arched doors probably weren't just for show either.

Aizawa smiled slightly, knowing well by know the tell tale signs of Izuku going into analysis mode. Intelligent green eyes roved every inch of the building, as if he could read it and his slim musician's fingers toyed absently with a drawstring of his hoodie.

"I agree, but the principal is a little...eccentric and All Might has never been one to do anything half heartedly."
Izuku sighed at that, forcing his gaze back to his... teacher.
"You make a good point."

"You'll get to meet them both now. You ready, kid?"
The pair watched each other, both trying to figure out the true feelings and expectations of the other.
"I think so."

Aizawa grinned, and pushed open the door.

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