Chapter 14: Level up

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"Holy shit." Muttered Bakugou.
"Yeah..." replied Izuku.
"That's...really fucking dangerous."
Izuku raised an eyebrow as in to say, 'you think?"
"I can't believe Auntie-Inko just left you like that." Continued Bakugou, too shocked to take notice.
"Y-yeah." Replied Izuku, grateful Bakugou didn't register his stammer, the blond had swallowed the neglect lie just like Aizawa had, and it would save him a lot of pain if neither ever knew the truth.

"This is insane." Said the blond with finality suggesting he'd stopped being in shock.
Izuku looking him in the eyes, searching for any fear or reluctance. "Can I trust you with that secret?"
Bakugou turned to face him. He planned to kiss the guy to prove his faith but when he saw those eyes...those lips... it was all he could do to stop his cheeks burning at the thought, which surprised him a lot. So he backed down and just muttered, "It's safe as houses. We're...f-friends right? Who else even knows?"
Izuku didn't miss the uncertainty. "We are friends, Kaachan. And just Aizawa."
Bakugou relaxed a little. "I can see why you wanted to talk to him."

"So your sperm donor's a villain."
Izuku turned away in shame. Bakugou shrugged.
"I don't think it matters much. Not like you knew him. Besides with that quirk, you'll definitely beat the crap out of him if he ever shows up. If you don't, I will."

Izuku laughed and Bakugou found the courage to do what he had planned earlier. He reached out and turned Izuku's head to face him, leaning in and kissing him, hastily pulling away before he lost the control he hadn't realised he needed.

Bakugou smirked slightly at the familiar stutter. It used to irritate him, but over the years it had faded with Izuku's words; all his expressions along with that innocent smile had drained away to emptiness. He hadn't realised just how much he'd missed it.
"Just proving how much I trust you."
"But they didn't need to be on the lips..." whispered Izuku, cheeks burning. At that Bakugou's flamed up too.
"Well you better have enjoyed it! You won't get another one fucker."
Bakugou felt a little disappointed by the relieved laugh Izuku gave at that.

"Did you do it?" He asked.
" surprised me too much." Said the other bashfully.
"Then take it."
"What?" Izuku exclaimed, eyes wide.
Bakugou scowled. "Then give it back dumbass! Not like you can practise with anyone else. If when you give it back you can't keep a copy, I'll kiss you on the cheek."
Izuku hesitated and then his brows furrowed, eyes glowing, and Bakugou gasped at the sudden emptiness, his body strangely cold. He felt faint but soon recovered and turned to Izuku.

He was smiling wide.
"I can...Kaachan...would you like me to upgrade it before I return it? And I can keep a copy too!"

Katsuki gazed at the greenette in shock.
"Your quirk is way to powerful..." he turned to stare at the table, as his gut twisted again in guilt. "To think my actions could have driven you to villainy...the world would've been fucked."
"Forgiven and forgotten remember? Besides to progress it relies on trust...the other person has to want to kiss me, to do so willingly. And to improve the quirks of others, they had to trust me enough to do what you just did. So, Upgrade?"

The duo shared matching smirks, before Izuku spoke again.
"This saps a lot of energy so I might fall you want to go home without your quirk and come back tomorrow for me to transfer it back...or would you like to stay over?"

Bakugou thought it over, "can I stay?"
"I think so, let me just ask dad. Also don't touch the cats while I'm gone, I don't think they'll like you." Izuku smiled internally...technically that would get problem child 3 out his living room.
Izuku grinned and disappeared.

Bakugou turned to one of the nearer cats, and glared into its bored eyes.
"Fucker, you like me don't you. Let me fucking pet you, you little shit."

He reached out to the cat, who hissed, scratched his palm and jumped off the sofa.
"WHY YOU LITTLE- Deku, so, can I stay?"

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