Chapter 121: Marauders

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*whispers* hey, like my art...check out my Insta! (ellogical_art)


Izuku smiled awkwardly.
Aizawa had gathered the whole of 1A in the living room of the Heights Alliance building, so Izuku could properly explain what had happened. Yamada had tactfully taken Eri and Kouta out to the cinema (her first time ever), leaving them all watching him expectantly.

"Hey guys..."
"What's up Izu?" Asked Uraraka, smiling uncertainly. It had barely been two weeks since Endeavour attempted to murder her friend and a week since he'd apparently lost his quirk and those in on the secret had suddenly become really clingy, and like most of the class she was still on edge.
" know Kaachan and I rescued Eri from villains?" He asked, and when they all gave some sign of acknowledgement, he continued, "well I went after them."

What followed was a fair bit of anguished shouting and exclamations.
"You remember the Shie Hassaikai that were eradicated in a 'major cooperation between agencies'" elaborated Izuku.
"Oh." Said Yaoyorozu, staring at Izuku in awe.
The greenette flushed under their stunned gazes, "well it didn't go quite to plan... due to a well, complicated series of events...I might have lost my quirk?"

...What followed was a fair bit of anguished shouting and exclamations...but these ones included a great deal more swearing.
"How?" Yelled Shouji, looking far more panicked than anyone had seen him before.
Izuku chuckled awkwardly, "they'd been using Eri's blood to develop permanent quirk erasing bullets. Turned out they'd succeeded..."
"Shit..." muttered Kaminari weakly.
Asui spoke up, "what happened to lead to you getting shot? I can't believe someone could beat you in a fight..."

"Actually," said a familiar voice, "that's entirely my fault."
The class leapt from their place on the sofa, floor and scattered chairs, taking similar positions ready for combat and Kaminari short circuited in panic.

"Woah!" Yelled Izuku, "he's fine! I converted him!"
The entirety of class 1A stared between Shimura Tenko and Aizawa Izuku with complete confusion. Well apart from Kaminari who'd started singing a weird song.
"What the actual fuck?" Said Jirou.
Izuku grinned, "I gave Tenko my phone number at USJ, and have been de-brainwashing him...seriously!" He yelled as Dark Shadow inched closer, claws at the ready. "He's fine! I kinda see him as a brother! Which is why when the leader of the Yakuza shot a bullet at him I dived in front!"

"YOU DID WHAT!" Roared an unfamiliar voice.
"GET SHWIFTY!" Yelled Kaminari, but everyone ignored him.

The entire class turned to stare at the strange speaker. It was Kouda.
Izuku stared at him too, at the shy teen flushed in realisation, signing, 'sorry for the interruption...please continue'
"Okay...well there you guys have it." Said Izuku, "Since I can still beat you all without a quirk, I'll be staying in the Hero course anyway, and taking the license exam! Any questions?"
"Do you have any idea," said Uraraka quietly, "how much of an understatement 'any questions?' is?"
The greenette smiled brightly, "yup!"

"How did you take out the Yakuza?" Asked Satou.
"Midnight's quirk."
Ashido spoke up, leaning in subconsciously. "How did you get into the base?"
"No comment." Said Izuku instantly, surprising the group.
"You seriously trust him?" Questioned Hagakure, "He tried to kill your dad!"
"I do." Said Izuku, his voice gentle yet firm. Shimura smiled awkwardly, still stood by the door to run from the teens at any moment.
"What happened to the shooter?" Asked Iida.
Shimura and Izuku shared at grin that sent chills down everyone's spines. "He's...been dealt with."

"How do you know those bullets permanently erase your quirk?" Asked Jirou.
Izuku was frozen, his eyes wide.
There was a few seconds of silence.
"THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" Izuku roared once he'd processed her words, and stormed out the room.

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