Chapter 25: Lady's first

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"Start!" Sang Midnight.

Izuku's eyes glowed green.

There was complete confusion.

He deactivated everyones' quirks.

Ignoring the chaos as mutant types changed appearance, he ran past them and out of the stadium. Bakugou hot on his heels, though even with Izuku's advice and his own hard working personality, he was no match for the number of hours Izuku had put into his physical training and agility... and running way from people.

Those who recovered quickly and class 1A who were familiar with Izuku's quirk were close on the pairs' tails, but not one of those competing or observing could get a handle on what the hell was going on.

Izuku reached the robots. One lunged its arm toward him, but he jumped, landing on the wrist joint and racing up to the robot's shoulder, jumping down the other side and repeating this until he reached the end. Behind him, the entire year group tried to handle the robots essentially quirkless.

Those still near the start began returning to normal bringing the realisation that Izuku's quirk was ranged, by an estimate, you had to be within 100 metres to be affected.

Izuku raced on, furious Bakugou on his heels screaming profanities, Todoroki, Ojiro, Hagakure (who had more physical training than most of her classmates) and Shinsou swiftly catching up, as they approached the ravine.

They reached it only twenty or so metres behind Izuku, and to the astonishment of everyone, found him running along the rope with ease, he even did a cart wheel, it was like a slap in the face - except by someone so cute you didn't mind being slapped and felt a little concerned about that reality.

Unlike Izuku, the rest of the crowd that had made it, halted. Those that had quirks which could handle this missing them greatly, and everyone generally clueless as to how they could go on.

To their astonishment, a pink haired girl strode forward, grinning. She announced her inventions to the world, laughing at the hero classes before activating her equipment and shooting forward.

As for the rest, they had no choice but to either take their chances with the rope, like Izuku. Or wait until he was out of range. Thus, the crowd divided, and the pros judged.


Izuku looked up as Hatsumi shot above him.

"Amazing inventions, you really have a gift!" He called, gazing at them in genuine awe.

"Thank you!" She sang landing on the column he was about to arrive at. Not like anyone else was reaching them anytime soon after all, and he'd complemented her babies.

"Grappling hooks?" Asked Izuku, leaning in enthusiastically to examine the equipment with his still glowing eyes. "And these! Amazing! How did you get them to produce enough force to allow you to hover?"

Hatsume's eyes went round. "You appreciate my babies!" was all that anyone watching could pick up before she began explaining them at 500 mph. Izuku seemed to follow her perfectly, as evidenced by the questions he asked at points. The pair creating a world of their own as the mass of students either inched closer along the ropes or watched impatiently for the bastard to grow distant enough.

"You know," said Izuku with a grin, "Demonstrating that they can carry multiple people would be beneficial, no?"

She eyed him, surprised, then smirked. "You're quite right. Fancy a lift?"

Izuku gave a mock bow, making her laugh. "It would be an honour to fly with you, milady."
And with no shame at all, he carefully climbed onto her back, perching on the jet pack and holding firmly onto the straps at her shoulders.

"Ready?" She asked lightly.
"As I'll ever be~" He sang happily, and she powered up her equipment once again. They lifted off just as Bakugou climbed onto their pillar.


Izuku turned and grinned, blowing him a kiss as they shot high into the air.


Hatsume dropped him down on the other side of the gorge, and with that, brought him out of range of the crowd the other side, causing all their quirks to return. If she'd taken him the whole way he wouldn't have had a chance to show his skills, so they parted ways peaceably.

"Congratulations on your win, Miss Hatsume." said Izuku with a smile, bowing low once again.

"Handsome sir, please call me Mei." She replied giggling again, before powering up and disappearing across the minefield.

Izuku eyed the field before him. Not like he needed to hurry really. He could see the holes well enough.. 'instinct' would help him too.
Everyone behind was too cautious about re-entering his range to be much of a threat. Then again, there were pro heroes watching and judging, just because he could, being lazy wasn't exactly fair or admirable. He had to show his skills.

He smiled, time for some acrobatics?
He stood back and took a deep breath before running forward.

He did a rapid sequence of cart wheels, flips and double flips,  balancing on a single hand pretending to check his surroundings midway before continuing to the end. He didn't activate a single bomb.
On his arrival, he jogged across the line to rejoin Mei.

"You left before I could introduce myself, Mei." He said smiling.
He glanced behind him, paused and then let the glow fade from his eyes. Her eyes in turn widened in realisation.

He offered his hand. "I'm Aizawa Izuku, but call me Izuku."

"So it was you! I was wondering." She pushed forward, eyes wide. "You're Eraserhead's son! That's amazing! And your Quirk is so powerful and just like his too! I owe you my win, you should have said something!"

He chuckled, her closeness made him a little uncomfortable but he hid it, "I'm adopted actually, but on that point, I was wondering if I could hire you?"

She was taken aback at first, but with the question, her eyes shone. "What can I do for you? I don't normally come cheap, but your custom could be good advertising so I'll do what you need for free!"

"I need goggles to hide my quirk. See, I can do that range thing, but it affects everyone in that range, so if I am in a team it is useless. Otherwise I can use my quirk on one individual at a time as long as I look at them, so I need the goggles for the same reason as my dad..."

She took in the details happily, and was about to continue their conversation when Todoroki raced across the finishing line, Bakugou on his heels.

Badass Izuku as drawn by Thatweeb665
Isn't it cool?

(A/N 2022) If you guys are tempted for some reason to draw anything based off this fic, I'd love to see it and you can message me via my instagram account under ellogical_art

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(A/N 2022) If you guys are tempted for some reason to draw anything based off this fic, I'd love to see it and you can message me via my instagram account under ellogical_art. I'm no longer adding fan arts to this story though since I'm writing others.

Please remember that all art from stick figures to da Vinci is wonderful, because anyone who can bring stuff from their imagination into reality is a wizard and should be proud.

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