Izuku didn't know why he was running, only that his 'instinct' was telling him to. He followed it, rounding a corridor unfamiliar to him and approaching a partly opened door.Peering cautiously around it, he watch a pale blue haired man rifling through papers in a dingy nondescript office. He had a choice. He gritted his teeth.
"Excuse me sir, can I help you?"
The jump the man made would have caused Izuku to laugh if not for the situation. And if not for a year in a glorified brothel he would have flinched at the mess of a face that turned to regard his own.
The man clearly relaxed at the sight of a mere student, turning back to his work without even bothering to reply.Izuku took the opportunity to examine the character that had the confidence or stupidity to let down his guard like that. He was nearly six foot, pretty tall, though almost everyone was compared to Izuku. The man was all in black clothing, and grimy black at that. Izuku could fully appreciate the sense of wearing dark clothing when you're breaking into a place, but with the man's over confidence...it suggested the guy was of an emo persuasion. Then again, how many preppy villains could there be?
Shaking himself out of that strange line of thought, Izuku realised his target was sifting through the last of the papers, and he hastily got back to the relevant information.
The man's quirk. A very dangerous quirk.
Well, to most people."That's quite the quirk you have." He said lightly, like he was admiring the man's coal black hoodie or commenting on the weather.
Unsurprisingly, that got his target's attention. He stopped what he was doing and turned to properly look at Izuku for the first time.
Bless, he was still trying to act cool. Izuku looked him up and down slowly.
"Disintegration..." he elaborated. "You must have been discriminated against for years. Must have been awful and to have to be so careful every moment..."Seemed he hit a sore spot, as the villain shuddered, jaw locking in anger.
"You know nothing, hero wannabe, now scram unless you want to experience it." The blue haired man spat, dismissing the greenette with a glare. Unique as this student was, he had bigger priorities."I don't think you could."
The voice was gentle, yet carried a confidence. Not the vain over confidence of a teen drunk on admiring words, but of someone who had fought before.
Suddenly, the student rose in significance relative to the documents, and the man turned and walked to the doorway.Shigiraki moved his hand with slow inevitability, waiting, but instead of flinching away, the student moved his own hand so first four and then all five tips met each other. He stared at their hands in shock before raising his gaze to meet the greenette's now glowing eyes.
"What is your name." He almost demanded.
"Akagi. Yours?"
"Call me Tomura. You are a strange one. Your quirk reminds me of Eraserhead's. Please tell me you aren't his, Akagi." Asked Shigaraki, a glimmer of a threat in his words.
"No." Izuku said calmly. "Who do you represent or work for, Tomura?"
"The great League of Villains, obviously. And I'm only bothering to talk to you because I got what I came for, and can leave anytime.""What can you tell me?" Asked the greenette, lacing admiration and curiosity in his tone.
"I'd rather ask the questions. Akagi, if you can disable quirks, how did you know mine?"
Izuku withdrew his hand and placed his index finger over his lips, gently closing the door behind him. Thundering footsteps could be heard outside, but passed them.With the door closed, the room was only lit by Izuku's glowing eyes. Izuku looked under his lashes deliberately and minutely adjusted his stance and body language from relaxed confident, to sexy confident. Combined with the distraction of the footsteps outside, the taller male completely forgot his question.

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...