Chapter 107: Golden Slumber

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'There is a thin semantic line separating weird and beautiful. And that line is covered in jellyfish. Welcome to Night Vale.'

That's where we are, us fanfic writers and readers, vibin' on that line with the jellyfish. And no, I don't care if you think you aren't beautiful. My opinion is you are, and as this is my book, my word is truth here. the calm before the storm. While until the next fluffy chapter. Just thought you may want a heads up.


It had been a few days since Izuku had painted Touya and Keigo all colours of pride in more ways than one. And since his dynamic with Shinsou and Hiniyuki had fundamentally changed. He found the first experience much more straight forward and safe, so thought about the other as little as possible.

This resolution wasn't helped however by the reality that he couldn't sleep alone. Or more accurately his subconscious fears only fucked off when he slept in between Hitoshi and Shoto.
He couldn't sleep safely without them and the dependence was terrifying, mostly for its appeal.

School that week was pretty normal, most of their teachers taught them, and various students, tried, failed and succeeded to learn according to their preference, effort and talent.
All Might told them things, then later, Izuku would correct everything the hero said and actually teach them.
That Friday he trained with Hatsume and no one came within 500 metres of the building - even the support students left early.
Izuku continued to cook regularly for the class.
And Saturday morning marked seven days of Eri sleeping in her own room.

She sat next to him on the counter top, fiddling with a stringy contraption Yaoyorozu had given her and named a 'cat's cradle', how a loop of string was relevant to cats or baby beds was beyond Izuku, but Eri's smile of delight was enough for him to set his curiosity aside.

He hummed happily, flipping several chicken chunks in the pan.
"Eri, why did he want you?"
She shivered slightly but answered none the less. "He said he was making magic medicine that would take away people's curses."
He nodded as Kaminari, shirtless and with bed hair, trudged into the room.

"What time is it?" He mumbled after Izuku, taking a tub of ice cream out of the fridge and yawning.
"7 pm, and it's Saturday, put that back, I'll have dinner ready in five minutes."
"Ah fine..." he grumbled, putting it back, "thanks 'zuku."
"No worries." Replied Izuku as the zombie teen stumbled back out the room.

"Eri, if I go out tonight," continued Izuku as if nothing had happened, "will you be okay? I know Aizawa is good at handling the nightmares now right?"
She bit her lip, discarding the cat's cradle to look at him with her big red eyes. "Do you have to?"
"I can wait longer if you want?" He asked gently. He was so weak for this girl.
"No... I'll be okay..." she said absently resuming her tinkering with the toy, "if not I can visit Shochan."
The greenette looked surprised at the mention of his bicoloured friend, but he didn't question it. He knew Hiniyuki was great with nightmares.

After plating up, Izuku poked his head around the door to the living room where most of the class were working, talking, lounging, or sleeping.
"Dinner's ready guys." He called gently, in complete contrast with the chaos his words caused as the teens launched themselves at the kitchen.
They ate like... well, they ate like hungry teenagers used to doing a great deal of physical activity on a daily basis. Izuku smiled with satisfaction at their happy expressions.

It was nearly 8:00pm, so when he caught Eri yawning it wasn't a surprise.
"Do you want to go to bed Eri?" He asked gently. He'd been a lot quieter over the last few days, and this was the first time he'd spoken during the meal, so the sound of his voice drew attention of the others.
The six year old girl gave him a calculative look. "Will you sing me to sleep?"
"That's my end of the deal." She stated, aware of the teens looking on, and not wanting to call out her nii-san.
The greenette chuckled affectionately. "Okay then, let's go."

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