Chapter 125: Fortunes and Futures

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Guys, I know a lot of you analysts will have a field day with how I've handled Nighteye's quirk.

I am fully aware this doesn't make perfect logical sense, but I fully acknowledge the plot hole.
Her name is Michaela, and she's triangular and a Pisces. I love her just the way she is and ask you not to overly scrutinise her - she's shy.

Enjoy the chapter and stay safe til Sunday!

Also if you want to visit an alternate story line and kill Inko, head over to the latest chapter of the 'Quirky Adventures of Aizawa Izuku' book.


Mirai Sasaki, otherwise known as Nighteye, was not in the mood for this.
"Leave. Or I'll call the police." He threatened.
The teenager didn't even blink. "Not until you read my future."
"How you know I can do that greatly concerns me, but it does not change the fact that I will not." He stated, though, he didn't need his quirk to know where this conversation was going. Aizawa Izuku's eyes blazed with determination.

"If that won't change it what will? Money? Sworn secrecy? If I fight you and win?"
He scowled. "Leave."
"No. The future of Japan rests on my shoulders. At the very least, could you read my future and decide for yourself whether my concern is valid?"
"The future cannot be changed."
"Though you might have more experience," said the teenager firmly. "I respectfully disagree."

The greenette sighed, before crouching. He made a show of dusting the rug, before settling cross legged on it. "You know, when Aizawa said you were curious about me...I thought it was because you actually recognised me."
Sasaki had made a show of ignoring the teenager and working on the papers on his desk, but at this remark he looked up again. "I don't know what you mean."
Izuku giggled, a...familiar giggle. "Sasaki-san..." he said in a light voice, paired with a flirtatious pout. "How could you forget me!"
"H-Hisui!" He whispered, his face draining in colour. "But- how- when..."

His career was over. A few words from this brat and he was done for. He hadn't known he was underage...fuck! He'd built a life...and business...
"Don't look like that! Sasaki-san, you were one of the most respectful patrons I had." Continued Izuku in that same coy, childlike tone. "And paying for a lap dance, is hardly the same as having sex... you didn't even kiss me. You aren't married either...but then again," he tapped his index finger to his lips in exaggerated thoughtfulness, "it would make quite a splash..."
"You wouldn't." Realisation hit Sasaki, his guilt being shoved away by sudden relief, "your name would be tainted by it too. You're bluffing."
Izuku's teasing expression vanished, and his eyes darkened as he stood and strode to face the hero only the desk between them.
"Try me." He said, offering his hand.

On impulse, he took the proffered limb in his hand, and paled at what he saw when he met those determined, fierce green eyes.


Bakugou eyed Shinsou as the latter drank his coffee. He didn't look like someone dating the love of their life.
The purple haired teen looked more tired than usual, and he stared down at the black liquid he lived off of with a worried expression.
"What the fuck happened control freak?"
Shinsou eyed him with a little pity, and Bakugou did his best not to blow the bastard's face off. He hated being pitied, it was a trait he shared with Izuku. He despised it.
"He refused. He wants to face All for One, and be free of his past before he moves forward with us."
"Us huh?" Bakugou sat down with his omelette. "Where is Icyhot?"
Shinsou shrugged. "No idea."
"Where's Deku?"
"No idea." Repeated Shinsou bluntly, taking another gulp of coffee.
"Aren't you fucking helpful." Muttered Bakugou.
"I try."

"He's gone to meet with Sir Nighteye."
They jumped and turned to look at Aizawa who'd just entered the kitchen.
"Why?" Asked Shinsou, rising and preparing another cup of coffee for his teacher.
The raven haired hobo nodded at the teen appreciatively. "I don't see why you shouldn't know. All for One knows Izuku is currently quirkless, and has decided to grasp the opportunity and kill him."
Bakugou's eyes widened in panic as he launched upright from his chair, Shinsou turned away from the kettle to stare at the Hero, identically panicked sets of red and indigo eyes piercing him.
"Relax would you? The idiot gave Izuku a week's warning." Said Aizawa.
Shinsou immediately calmed and returned to coffee making, and Bakugou collapsed back into his chair with a cackle.
"The idiot!" Exclaimed the blond with another wave of derisive laughter.

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