Recap: Chapters 36 - 80

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Hi again guys, Whimsy here!
Chapter 81's gonna be published on Wednesday, but ahead of that, have a recap of the last arc!

(Warning: Explicit - I'm half Irish and though I was intending to publish this when I wrote it...I don't give a flying fuck.)

Chapter 36: Admitting Defeat

Events (facts)
- Pomeranian asks his parents to get him on an anger management course. Family love sorta.
-        Bakugou x Therapy is my OTP

Chapter 37: Competition

Events (facts)
- Sleep issues, Daddy issues and General issues train in Aizawa's underground gym
- They chat after, Izuku pulls an Aizawa and flinches when shinsou tries to wake him.
- Izuku gives them a white washed explanation of his history

Chapter 38: Decisions, Decisions

Events (facts)
- Izuku makes Robocop promise to meet him at lunch to talk about Tensei. Roofs need more love.
- Eyebags transfers
- Hero names happen
- The nightmare number one decides to go to Hosu

Chapter 39: Honesty is the Best Policy

Events (facts)
- Aizawa is worried dad. Izuku is sassy son.
- Izuku being a little shit, teasing:
1) Iida on the train
2) Manual on patrol
- Izuku convinces Manual to look the other way when he and Robocop go after Mr Stainy.

Chapter 40: Dual Wielders

Events (facts)
- Going into alley ways is safe
- My baby staves off a panic attack at the smell of blood
- Izuku saves Native and Iida and kiss- no kicks ass.
- Izuku meets with Crusty boi
"What... what you are doing with me...isn't fake is it?"
"No. It isn't."

Chapter 41: While the Jury's out

Events (facts)
- Robocop gets a kiss
- Iideku sorta time
- Izuku reading the Three Musketeers.
- Decide to visit Tensei

Chapter 42: Repercussions

Events (facts)
- Tsuragame Kenji, woof
- Caring Iida x Panicked Izuku fluffy moment

Chapter 43: Tensei

Events (facts)
- Visiting Tensei
- Izuku flirting with Tensei
- Tenya and Tensei are good bois

Chapter 44: Hawk and Dove

Events (facts)
- End of work experience
- Izuku gets picked up by a Hawk
- ...Sexy times.
- Fierce Wings (Hawks)

Chapter 45: The Greater Good

Events (facts)
- Hotwings back story with the hero commission.
- Izuku vows to decommission the Hero commission. Ayy.
- Bean tells winged boi that fire boi is alive.
- They exchange numbers and plan... future sexy times.

Chapter 46: Two Bunnies

Events (facts)
- Class discuss Stainy
- Kouda is an angel
- Chairman Insomnia realises he has the least fucked up childhood of his friend group
- Pink cheeks finds a new mode of income.

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