Chapter 127: To the Underworld

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^ Who's the hottest?

It's nearing 2:00 am and I really hate essays, and my ability to procrastinate. Sometimes I wish I could find the part of my brain that makes me do that and kill it. Then again, this book definitely wouldn't exist without it.


Shinsou eyed himself in the mirror uncertainly.
He'd ended up in a pale purple collared shirt, collar unbuttoned and hem untucked, with a charcoal grey waistcoat over the top, and black trousers with the set of black leather Oxford shoes his mother had bought him in a bout of optimism.
He hated to admit it, but he was close to actually liking himself in the outfit.
Izuku could really do clothes.

He turned to Hiniyuki, who'd decided to sulk in his room for some reason and grinned, "chill Shoto, the Pomeranian and I'll take care of him if he needs it, and we'll be back in no time."
"I know..."
"Stay here, and then I can give you the run down when I return okay?"

He couldn't think of anything to stop Hiniyuki sulking, so he pocketed his wallet, phone and keys before leaving the bicoloured male and heading toward the stairs.
He could hear Izuku still in his room, but decided to wait by the door in case Kouda decided to leave his dorm. The guy was quiet, but he was also really close with the girls...who really weren't.

He found Bakugou already in the darkened hall, and holy shit he was hot. Not Shinsou's type obviously, but wow.
The blond was in a burgundy blazer and trousers, cream shirt and black tie, the tie loosened and collar unbuttoned like his own.
"You don't brush up too bad control freak." Commented Bakugou with a smirk.
"Likewise." Said Shinsou, unable to think of a come back to the first complement the blond had ever given him.

"God damn..."
They turned to see Izuku stood in the stairwell ogling them.
"Fuck, I might look like I'm punching too far above my weight leading you two around."
"N-no...I doubt that..." Shinsou managed. Bakugou was speechless.

Izuku wore black booty shorts with fishnets underneath and black platforms. His halter top was the same colour, with a hole on the front giving a teasing hint of his pecs. On his neck was a collar, with a large faceted jade set in gold as a pendant on the front. He wore two black studs in the lobe of each ear, and his hair loose, with three french braids on one side, and the rest falling in an untamed waterfall of curls on the other.
He was also in full make up, lashes thick and dark framing his large green eyes, and his lips blood red.

In short, Bakugou and Shinsou really wished they were in looser trousers.

Izuku smirked, "already regretting your dare? This is only the start Kaachan."
The greenette drifted past them, their reactions boosting his confidence, as he unlocked the door of the Heights Alliance building and stepped out into the cool of the Autumn evening.

The two teens followed him like bodyguards, from UA, onto a bus across town, and then for a twenty minute walk through steadily more ragged alleys, filled with steadily more ragged people. Narrowed eyes looked at them, but relaxed at the sight of Izuku.
The greenette had instructed them not to talk where possible, so they both watched on in silence.

People approached him, complemented him, teased him, thanked him... it was like he knew every person there. The duo didn't think they'd honestly ever seen Izuku this relaxed either, laughing, and flirting with a different confidence to that they were accustomed to.
He'd told them this place felt like home, and they were honestly starting to believe it.

Surprisingly few people asked about them. They got a strangely large number of jealous and suspicious stares, but not a single person questioned Izuku - or Hisui as he was known here.

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