Sorry this is a little later than usual, took me ten hours of consciousness before I realised it was actually Sunday and not Saturday. I hate it when I misunderstand it that way around.What do you guys think of my boi Hitoshi in his waistcoat and Paisley?
Shinsou adjusted his tie nervously as he gazed out across the ballroom. There were about 60 provisional license holders from differing years, though the majority from UA and Shiketsu, along with nearly two hundred adults of various high statuses.
It was crowded and very stuffy and neither Izuku, nor the Empress were anywhere in sight.He caught Hiniyuki's gaze across the room, and the bicoloured teen made his way over.
Shinsou'd never admitted it to anyone, but due to all the recent events, his found his anxiety always heightened when he couldn't see Izuku. He knew Shoto was the same, Katsuki too, though the blond was in a corner talking with Sero, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. Most of 1A had brought 1B members as their plus ones. Watching Monoma battle with the phrase 'thank you' had been priceless.Hiniyuki was in a form fitting navy suit with a silver grey tie. Having seen the price tag, Shinsou wasn't surprised many in the room had their eyes on him. With the undercut, he could ask anyone in the room for a dance, attracted to men or otherwise. Damn pretty boy.
As for him, he'd joined Bakugou in the waistcoat camp, though more to allow him to roll up his sleeves, he hated cuffs and restrictive blazers.
He tugged at it slightly, privately smug at the hint of a six pack showing through the fabric. It had taken more pain and suffering than he'd ever imagined but he'd surpassed Shoto in musculature. The future lawyer may have stopped hero training, but he wasn't gonna think about that."Hey." Said Shoto, shaking his hair a little to get it out his eyes and earning a few gasps from the nearby ladies.
Shinsou ignored them, focusing on his friend. "Hiya, know where he is?"
The bicoloured teen hummed. "I think he's with the Empress."
"Seriously? Why?"
Shoto shrugged, "he did become the most powerful being on the planet last week. May he decided to update her?"———
Aizawa scowled, retucking his shirt after doing battle with his tie for the last ten minutes, he'd asked Izuku to do his tie for him but it turned out his son was as terrible at them as he was. Hearing the door of the bathroom open and a chuckle, he turned in exasperation to find Hizashi walking over to him. The man wore a purple waistcoat and yellow cravat and somehow looked unfairly sexy in the clashing colours.
The blond raised his slender hands to sort out Aizawa's tie with practised ease.
"You look like a fish out of water." He teased, grinning.
Aizawa grumpily produced another hairpin from his pocket to try and tame his hair back into the bun at his nape. "Thanks. You look like goddamn Willie Wonka."
"I'm your Willie Wonka though. Besides I knew you'd go monochrome so I could wear whatever I liked without clashing!"
"You do all the clashing on your own." Muttered Aizawa, he knew he was blushing a little. Hizashi in platforms was even taller than usual.The blond laughed, stepping back to give him an appraising look before moving in to fold the collar of his jacket correctly.
"There. I think you'll pass. Come on, let's go Shouta, we are here on the pretence of watching the kids after all!"
Hizashi grabbed his hand and pulled him out the safety of the bathroom.Aizawa missed his sleeping bag.
"Just ask him for a dance dude! It isn't that hard!" Encouraged Tetsutetsu.
Bakugou grimaced. Seemed his feelings for Izuku had actually reached 1B, and Tetsutetsu was just as observant as Kirishima, if a little more abrasive.
Kirishima eyed him almost threateningly.
"No!" Growled Bakugou. "He is happy. I'm not messing with that."
Sero rolled his eyes, "bro, it's just a dance."
He grimaced. "You know perfectly well it wouldn't be. Not to Halfie and Mindfuck. They know how I feel and I already owe them for allowing me to be part of Izuku's life after what I did. I'm not getting involved, please, guys." He leant back with a sigh, "just leave me the fuck alone?"

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...