All for One had discovered a set back in his plans.Aizawa Izuku, and Midoriya Izuku were the same person.
Frankly he felt a little foolish for not joining the dots sooner, but the snivelling twitchy dead beat Inko had described and shown him a photograph of was very different from the pro hero's son, with the feminine looks who fearlessly conquered the Sports festival with sheer combat prowess.
However, you do not live for over two centuries and not know how to turn a setback into an advantage. Or not know to plan for every eventuality.
The first problem was how much he'd now discovered Shigaraki liked his son. While he'd been busy making plans for the future, and improving Nomus, his son had been manipulating and more disgustingly seducing his successor. However perhaps this issue could be spun in his favour. If he played it right, he might ensure Shigiraki never got distracted from his destined path again.
The second problem was his son had a gift like his, there was no way he was born with an erasure quirk, so he must have the ability to copy and mutate abilities? Or something similar.
Regardless, it was an incredibly valuable quirk which he needed to obtain.Yes, the squirt had got some combat skills, quirks and grown some balls while he was at it. But that was where his beautiful Inko's hard work came in. In her presence, the child would fall apart all over again and be putty in his hands.
He could take the kid's quirk and with it, all the others he'd accumulated, and he and Inko could probably break his mind pretty easily. The fool had friends and loved ones, he was sure torturing and killing them in front of Izuku, would break him pretty quickly. Then he could have that empty vessel he'd planned for.
Same result, just a few extra steps and a truly loyal successor... yes, perhaps this was even better than he'd previously hoped.
Hearing voices, he turned his attention to the CCTV, watching as several minions entered the bar one at a time. He was sure Giran had provided more than had returned, and a rather valuable Nomu, but then again this had been a kidnapping mission according to Shigaraki and they both knew 1A students wouldn't be push overs, nor the few Pro heroes with them.
Considering they seemed to have failed to kidnap anyone, Shigaraki seemed particularly happy. Clearly he'd lied about the goal of the mission, but Hisashi forced himself to set aside his anger, and focus on how to optimise the results of the conversation he was about to have.
Shigaraki was on a high as he watched his companions return, proving Izuku's honour without doubt. He understood fully why the ones he captured were captured. And felt wholeheartedly satisfied that his faith was not misplaced.
"I like him." Stated Mustard and Shigaraki grinned brightly, he'd stopped wearing father and his other hands as often recently and was considering burying them. He hoped Izuku would come and pay respects with him."Izuku's such a sweetie!" Squealed Toga. "If he helped me do you think he'd introduce the cute girl I met!"
"Probably?" Said Shigaraki, caught off guard."The fucker put me to sleep! He was very considerate!" Said Twice, as Mr Compress patted him on the shoulder and Dabi nodded absently, downing a shot Kurogiri passed him.
"Then it's settled." Said Shigaraki calmly. "I'll discuss it with sensei right away."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Asked Kurogiri.
Shigaraki smiled, "he has some opinions I disagree with now, but he's still my sensei, my family."
Dabi eyed him doubtfully, and Shigaraki himself felt a little unsure as he made his way down to the basement All for One worked in. But he shook it away. If it wasn't for this man, he'd have as many scars as Izuku, if not more. He'd always been supportive and encouraging and why would this be different.

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...