Chapter 57: Parental guidance

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The art above is not mine.
The piece is drawn by Keiid on Tumblr. I'd check her out, the art is brilliant and the merch is awesome. The other thing that Keiid gets credit for, is that the characters she designed for Shinsou's parents are just so perfect that I'm gonna use them in this.
Their names, appearances, quirks and Hajime's career are all of her invention.


Izuku gazed nervously at the clothes on the bed.
What do you wear to see your best friend's parents?

Todoroki tried not to sulk, as he watched the greenette fly in and out of the bathroom wearing a variety of outfits.
He never asked for the bicoloured male's opinion, which was just as well, because frankly, Todoroki though he looked amazing in everything, and would look even better in nothing... and he wasn't completely sure that was something Izuku wanted to hear or was wise to say. Maybe later he'd ask Yaoyorozu if Izuku would like him saying that...

So he just tried to focus on one of the conspiracy theories books Izuku had lent him. It was really good, making him seriously question a lot of things he'd foolishly taken for fact. But it wasn't as good to look at as Izuku.

Eventually, Izuku settled on grey jeans and a nice baggy (modest) green jumper, and no jewellery. Best to play safe.
He sat next to an unusually rigid Todoroki, as he brushed the knots out his hair, and plaited it.
"Everything okay?" He asked softly.

Heterochromic eyes moved to meet his, a little bit of worry ebbing into his voice as he spoke. "You shouldn't be nervous."
Izuku chuckled more to reassure Todoroki than anything, "forgive me, but my experience of parents... doesn't exactly inspire confidence. Excepting Aizawa and Rei-san of course."
Todoroki gave one of his small smiles that Izuku felt could light up a room. "I guess you have a point, what about Bakugou's parents?"

Having finished plaiting his hair, Izuku reached over to the desk to gather up one of the hair bands discarded there.
"I... don't know them too well. But Kaachan takes after his..." he really needed to get over how difficult the word was to say, "mother, if you were wondering. She and Rei-san went to school together and I think Mitsuki's going to try and reconnect." Replied the greenette lightly.

Fully aware that parents and pasts were both dangerous territory, Todoroki nodded and changed the subject after catching sight of the clock. "Shouldn't you be going?"
"Oh! Shoto! Why didn't you say earlier!" Izuku scowled at him, snatched his bag and coat and flew out the door making Todoroki instantly regret his subject choice. He sighed and picked up his phone.

Todoroki: Should I tell Izuku that he would look best with nothing on?
Yaoyorozu: Save that until after you've been on a few dates.
Todoroki: Okay. Thanks.
Yaoyorozu: Anytime. Shoto, mind if I consult Jirou on your questions sometimes?
Todoroki: That's fine.
Yaoyorozu: Thanks.

Yaoyorozu snorted, and Jirou looked up from her own phone.
"Permission granted?"
"Yes! Come over here, these questions are priceless!" Squealed the ravenette, her bright smile making Jirou flush.


Izuku nervously fiddled with the hem of his jumper as he mustered his courage and examined the house.
It was a nice place. Clearly the Shinsous had done well for themselves. A three story detached house in Mustafu wasn't cheap. Biting on his tongue slightly to sharpen his resolve, he pressed the doorbell.

There was a bang somewhere in the house, a muffled yell and then what sounded like a fight. The scuffle moved closer to the door and eventually someone crashed into it, before the door was pulled open to reveal a marginally disheveled but beautiful woman with pale purple hair in an gracefully messy bun.
A woman he knew.

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