Chapter 128: Gravity

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Izuku straddled the white haired man, who in turn raised his hand to Izuku's cheek.
"I would have made you my king..." he whispered softly, "you'd have wanted for nothing."
Izuku pulled him into a slow affectionate kiss.

"So you two are hero trainees huh?" Asked Thema, eyeing Bakugou and Shinsou distainfully.
Shinsou bowed politely, trying not to stare at Izuku, "we are, Thema-san. It's an honour."
She cackled, "so he didn't tell you who I was then. But I do appreciate a person who is considerate."
He wondered what she meant, but didn't have the opportunity to reply as Izuku's make out session ended.

Kiyo gazed up at the green haired angel with an all too familiar desperation, "be mine, Hisui..." he whispered. He reminded Shinsou of Shoto.
Izuku sighed and rested his forehead to Kiyo's. "I'm afraid my heart lies elsewhere."
The man's pale eyes dulled, "then why are you here?"
Izuku pulled away with one last caress of the other's face.
"I need to call in my favours."
"All of them?" Asked Thema in shock.
Izuku's gaze narrowed, "All for One is making his move. He intends to kill me."

The anger that radiated off the two at that last sentence surprised Shinsou and Bakugou a great deal.
"When. Where." Growled Kiyo.
"Eleven o'clock, Sunday."
"Having lost your quirk, that will not be an easy fight." Murmured Thema thoughtfully.
Izuku didn't even blink, "I shall regain it by twelve. I'll keep him talking as long as I can. Then everyone will just have to hold out until noon."

Neither questioned how he obtained the information but before they could continue, Izuku produced two papers, handing them to the couple.
"Here are documents signed by the principal of UA, and witnessed by All Might and Recovery Girl. They give immunity to all present half an hour preceding and following the confrontation. I checked for loop holes but couldn't find any."
"Thema?" Asked Kiyo calmly.
The woman scanned the papers closely, before raising he gaze to Izuku's with a smirk, "they're legitimate."
"Impressive as always." Sighed Kiyo and Shinsou pitied the guy slightly.

Izuku smirked, "you know me."
"It's going to be difficult to contact all the villains and vigilantes that owe you favours within a week Hisui." Said Thema steadily.
The greenette smirked, "I know you are skilled, besides you can prioritise right? Nine owes me a lot, as does Wolfram and his crew, Re-Destro is pretty easy to contact...then again it's high risk him coming...and Trumpet of course."
She nodded, "I suppose they'll come, if it's for you."
The greenette smiled, "don't act like this isn't a huge opportunity. All for One's been a thorn in your side and theirs for decades. This is the best chance we have of taking him down."
Thema matched his look, her gaze dangerously excited, "you are right as usual. Sure you can't join us?"

Izuku's smile lost it's sharpness at her earnest offer, before he turned to Shinsou and walked over to him, asking with his eyes.
Blushing a little, Shinsou raised a hand to pull Izuku close by his waist, kissing him gently on the lips and sharing a loving look.
"As I said-" began Izuku turning to the pair but he was cut off when Kiyo launched from his seat.

The gravity tripled, and Shinsou staggered at the increase, as the man literally hovered over him, the picture of fury, his yukata fluttering around him, his eyes shining white.
"WHO ARE YOU TO DERSERVE HIS LOVE!!!" Roared Kiyo in anger.
Shinsou glowered, standing tall still thanks to Izuku's training with this very quirk.
"Who are you to ask?" He questioned calmly.
The man opened his mouth to answer but suddenly his eyes dulled.
"Thought as much." Shinsou smirked in satisfaction. His quirk was upgraded, the bangle was too weak to restrain it, Bakugou had felt it too. "I don't particularly believe I deserve his love, but I will cherish it. And you will deactivate your quirk and return to your throne."

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