Chapter 110: Tick Tock

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I hope I do this arc justice...who's hyped?

If you like the art, please do check out my Instagram page (ellogical_art)!


"This way."

Izuku let himself be led by the gentle blond giant, though a maze of alleys and past two nondescript characters with poorly concealed guns, through a side door into a large 'abandoned' building. From there they had to climb down a sewage tunnel, which turned out thankfully to be disused, and make their way to the main base on foot.

They were walking quietly in semi darkness, when a slim individual in a plague mask confronted them. Izuku grimaced when he read the guy's quirk. Thankfully the quirk manipulation aspect of Antiquirk could be used to subtly shield him, it would be a pain to drop the façade so soon. Just because Overhaul was going to get beaten the crap out of, didn't mean he was going to prejudge his subordinates just yet. He needed a feel of this place before he acted.

"Tengai, who is this?" Came a cold, tired voice from under the plague mask.
"Nemoto, this is Hisui, his quirk is quirk nullification." Replied the blond seriously.

The man in the bowler hat, 'Nemoto' turned on Izuku and activated his quirk. A confession quirk.
"Who are you? And why are you here?"
"I'm Mighty Boy, son of All Might and inheritor of his power, come to defeat villains so I can become the number one hero and have everyone love me." Izuku deadpanned.

There was a pause, then both villains burst into laughter.
"He'll make far better company than that girl." Said Nemoto when he recovered.

Izuku bit his tongue, but smiled wryly, here was another person he could send to jail with no qualms. Tengai only nodded stiffly, "he came of his own will."

"Where did you find him?"
Izuku smiled and spoke up to ease his companion's embarrassment, "we met at a bar, I was complaining about getting fired and it moved from there."
The man removed his beak revealing a middle aged, light haired man with a cynical brow and a square jaw. "I can't decide whether I like the fact my quirk doesn't work on you or not."

Izuku smiled and walked over to him, leaning so close he could feel the other's breath on his lips, "Well, I like keeping guys guessing."
He smirked and walked past the villain and up the dark tunnel. He didn't look back but he heard the pair following, and though they whispered, he'd fused too many sense enhancing quirks to miss their conversation.

"Where did you meet?"
"He's a prostitute I slept with. Hey! You shouldn't be using your ability on one of the other precepts."
"And considering your actions, I think you behaving like a monk is a tad hypocritical huh?"
"Making love is the purest way to feed the soul..." murmured Tengai, though he didn't meet the other's eyes. "...did you see him?"
"...fair point."

Izuku smirked, and spun to look at the pair, "aren't you gentlemen meant to be leading me somewhere? I hear your boss is a tad uptight, perhaps I could be a stone to kill two birds? That is... if you are leading me to him, and not to a bedroom?"
He raised an eyebrow, and the duo gazed at him in shock, clearly that hadn't occurred to them.

"We're... taking you to Overhaul, though he's in a meeting currently." Said Nemoto, though Izuku chuckled at that hesitation. "If... you could loosen the boss up a bit, I for one would thank you."
Izuku shrugged and spun around to continue his way down the passage, "as long as someone pays me I don't mind. Unless he's hot... in which case I can wave a charge."

"How old are you?" Tried Nemoto.
Izuku sang his answer in a teasing, flirtatious tone.
"It's rude to ask a lady's age, let alone a queen's. My quirk isn't something that can be deactivated, so surprise attacks are pointless Nemoto-san~" he could hear the man gulping.

They continued like that, Izuku aimlessly flirting and messing with the pair until they seemed to reach a headquarters of some kind, with CCTVs mounted on the walls and a long conference table in the centre. Izuku spied an armchair, and noting how the others subconsciously evaded it, he smiled and bounced over, lounging across it with his legs over the arm rest.

"That, is the bosses' chair." Came a cold voice from near the monitors. Glancing up, Izuku saw another man with a quirk... hell he'd need to mine through his quirks to find a subtle way to nullify this guy's quirk. Shit.

"Chronostasis," said Nemoto with some deference, inclining his head, "his ability is quirk nullification. And we both tested our quirks on him, he didn't lie, or in my case... he could lie."

"What is it with all the plague masks?" Asked Izuku, he hadn't moved from the chair, hopefully the new arrival's desire to get him out of it, would stop him using his quirk and buy time for Izuku to work out a strategy.

Chronostasis removed his mask and eyed him distanfully. "Quirks are a plague, which we intend to cure."
The greenette furrowed his brows and shifted to sit properly in the chair. "Really? I suppose that could make sense, the world before was much more stable and secure, and with each generation getting stronger..."

Genuinely distracted by a new concept to chew on, Izuku was so lost in thought he almost jumped when Tengai tapped his shoulder. "Alright there, Ayato?"
"Ah, fine," Izuku chuckled at the trio, "I've just never seen it that way before, it makes sense. So.. you'll be wanting to use me to make a cure?"
"Yes. That is what the boss has planned." Said Nemoto when 'Chronostasis' hesitated.

Izuku stretched in the silence that followed, finally reminding the grey haired man of where he was sitting. "Remove yourself from his chair."
The greenette smiled slightly, "kiss me handsome and it's a deal."
"You heard me."

The grown man stared at the other two in mixed confusion and indignation, but was only met with resigned shrugs. Now slightly exasperated he turned back to stare at this ridiculously entitled and overconfident teenager.
Attempting to regain some composure, he gave an irritated sigh, and strode over. "Very well."

Izuku smiled slightly. This guy hadn't heard about him sleeping with Tengai. He hadn't earned that automatic trust, he'd be tested.
The moment he was within range, Izuku leapt into his arms and kissed him. He felt the cut, and relaxed in relief as the text appeared at the same time. That was very close, but... even if it had gone wrong he had a few back up plans.

Take Copy Leave

He smiled as he pulled away to pout at the thin cut on his arm. "Well that was rude."
"You really are immune to quirks...astounding" murmured the other without apologising, brushing the blood off of the clock-like minute hand in his hair that had cut Izuku.
The greenette smiled and pulled away from the taller man. "That is one way of putting it. Wish the rest of the world saw it that way."

"Been through a lot of shit huh?"
Izuku snorted, "I'm a teenage homeless prostitute, what do you think? Did you ever have to sink that low,  Chrono-san?"
He might have pushed them a little too far. The three men were pale and quiet.
He smiled sweetly at them, "what? You guys are Yakuza for reasons right? Not like my story is anything new. This society is a piece of shit."

"Now that, I can agree with."
The voice came from behind him, and Izuku cursed himself for not paying attention to the radar. He turned around slowly, and there the bastard was. But it wasn't his gaze Izuku was drawn to. It was the man behind him.



Name: Chronostasis
Ability: Allows user to slow down movements of anything he hits with his clock-hand-like locks of hair, the minute hand slows them for a minute, the hour hand for an hour.
Side effects: #Timelord
Drawbacks: Hair can be extended but only if user is standing still.

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