Chapter 27: Heart's Resolve

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Izuku tried to recall how he'd ended up here.

Todoroki was sobbing quietly onto his shoulder, whispering what should I do and Izuku please help me over and over again.

He ran his hand through the red and white hair softly and was surprised when the teen shuddered and then relaxed under his touch.
"You've really been through the ringer, haven't you?" He began softly once the tears had slowed, and kept running his fingers through the bicoloured hair. "It is strange. Everyone here as a goal. Has something to achieve, to prove."

He waited, but it didn't seem like Todoroki was going to speak, only grunting slightly when Izuku moved to stop petting him. Taking this as an invitation to continue, he went on. Todoroki's hair was so soft.
"Ochako has a poor family to support...Kaachan has pride to regain, Toshi wants to change the prejudice regarding villainous quirks... You have more baggage than all of them combined... But, Shoto, what is the duty of a hero?"
The other male seemed to still.
"The duty of a hero, is, at its most simple, to protect civilians. It isn't to defeat villains, they are what comes when heroes fail that first duty. It isn't to rise to the top, and who says that being there will induce happiness? How often do you hear your father laugh, or All Might honestly smile when he thinks no one else is looking?"

Todoroki pulled away to look at him in surprise. Izuku met his gaze and continued.
"Setting aside your own well deserved revenge... you are incredibly gifted, and the lives both sides of your quirk could save... you can do far more good in for this country than my Anti-quirk could ever do."
Todoroki remained silent, this perspective never having crossed his mind before.
"As for the next Trial... I have not been through what you have, I have no right to give you advice. Though I will happily lose if we face each other, if you ask me. This means far too much for you, so I'll do what you want me to."

Izuku moved to pull away and was surprised when Todoroki held him there.
"If we forget the future for a moment, though you've given me a lot to think about." He began hesitantly. "What do you think would be the best way to mess with my dad?"
Izuku relaxed and smiled michieviously, "let's go eat together and I'll come up with a plan when we know what the next trial is. Come on, I can't have Toshi eating alone or he'll dig himself into a hole of irrational self hate."

Todoroki let himself be tugged along, back out the stadium and into the crowded canteen. He gazed at the shining dark green hair of the boy pulling him, oblivious to the looks the pair were getting. It was only then, he realised that Izuku had not mentioned his own reason for becoming a hero.


Just as Todoroki was wondering over how little he knew of the greenette, they reached Shinsou and surprisingly Bakugou. The pair tense but conversing.
Bakugou did symbolise everything Shinsou hated about trainee heroes, and Shinsou's quirk and style made him the most unhero-like person Bakugou could imagine...but Izuku's gift for bonding people was not to be underestimated.

"Hey guys!" He called, making the pair jump. "I've brought Shoto, I'm just going to get food for us before it's too late!"

And with that, he deposited Todoroki in the tense space the duo had created between themselves and disappeared into the crowd. They watching him leave with faintly bereft expressions.

"Since when did Deku call you by your first name, Half n half?" Asked Bakugou eventually, trying to hide the jealousy in his voice. Shinsou's ears pricked but Todoroki didn't seem to hear.

"Do either of you know why Izuku wants to be a hero?"

That was unexpected. It was more directed at Bakugou than Shinsou, but the blond was shocked to find he didn't know - or at least not anymore. He had known once.
Shinsou was also frustrated.
"He won't even fully explain his quirk, and you expected him to confide more in me?" Asked Shinsou dryly, his words made Bakugou jump. "Oh, know something blasty?"
Bakugou recovered from the moment of sadness and smirked, "so what if I do? But no, Icyhot, the nerd's told me fuck all."

Speak of the Devil.

"I'm back!" Izuku weaved between the groups of people with ease. "You guys look miserable, what's wrong?"
He placed a tray on Todoroki's lap, passed cans of soda to the others and settled down the otherside of Shinsou with his own food.
"Nothing's wrong nerd, except your hair style. You look like a girl!" Grumbled Bakugou.
"Why thank you!" Grinned Izuku, giving a mock curtsy, and laughing as his hair fell over his eyes, he rose still chuckling adorably as he tucked his escaping bangs behind his ear - his actions raising the heart rates of his three companions or any of the people in a twenty metre radius.

"I know it's kinda long but I quite like it."
He must look quite feminine he supposed.
"Why are you growing it out?" Asked Shinsou, their previous conversation forgotten.
Izuku glanced down at his plate and seemed to hesitate. He couldn't exactly say it was a disguise.
"I...I suppose I stopped cutting it short the day my life changed. It stops me from forgetting..." he glanced at the them nervously, 'from forgetting what it is like to lose everything.' Would make Bakugou feel like shit and worry them unnecessarily after all.

When he noticed their concerned gazes, he smiled warmly, "and it symbolises my new life, and my goals. So I'm sorry Kaachan, but I'm going to keep growing it out!"

Before any of them could ask or answer, the klaxon rang.
"Ooh!" Exclaimed Izuku, eyes lit. "Come on guys! It's time for round three!"
He pulled his hair back up into its messy bun, and grinned, laying heavy irony in his words. "Plus ultra?"

They nodded as one and rose to follow him back toward the stadium, they'd think on his words later.

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