Chapter 66: Playing Hooky

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If he was real... I'd become yandere super quick. He is mine. (And darlings, if you want me to finish this book, don't disagree...just let me dream.)


Izuku strode through the main door of the house out of the heat of the afternoon, into a cool hallway and looked around curiously. He'd never been in a house this big, and he wanted to know every inch of the place before the rest of the class murdered Shinsou.

He could hear the taller teen running across the grass lawn toward the house, and hastily dived into the closest room. It was an equipment room, decked out with all sorts from wellies and waterproofs, to boxing gloves and duck tape.

"Izuku! Where the hell did you go!" Called Shinsou from the hallway and Izuku grinned but said nothing as he opened boxes and checked crevices. Behind the door was some sturdy metal shelving, and when he heard the footsteps approaching, he climbed up it, quietly lying in wait in the corner.

Shinsou burst in, and the moment he did, Izuku hopped over the top of the open door, and gripping the doorframe, swung down into the doorway. "Hey Toshi! I'm out the closet, hope you can join me soon!"
The teen spun as Izuku turned off the lights and shut the door on him before racing off down the corridor.


He was exploring the third floor, when one of the doors burst open and Shinsou leapt out, knocking Izuku to the ground and trapping him between his arms before the smaller teen could slip out of reach for the hundredth time.

"I'm gay!" He exclaimed, he was many things including exhausted, and annoyed, but he'd never let any of that get in the way of a classic joke.
Izuku laughed, "me too! Congrats on coming out at last!"

Shinsou chuckled, but was so busy catching his breath, that it took a while before he spoke again. "Planning on being a goddamn fox in your next life?" He asked grumpily.
The greenette chuckled, "who says I'm not one in this life time? And well done! Your ability to launch surprise attacks and sense presences has improved a lot since the ground floor!"
"Don't you dare pretend that all this was a ruse to improve underground hero specific skills." Muttered the purple haired teen, suddenly realising he was almost mounting Izuku, and hastily rolling off him, to lie side by side on the soft carpet.
"Okay, okay, so it was fun as well..." Izuku pouted, "did you have fun?"
He didn't answer, not wanting to admit how much fun he had had, but the greenette guessed his thoughts rolling onto his side to grin at Shinsou.

"Wanna explore the attic?"
He propped himself on his elbows to double check. "Izuku, there isn't another flight of stairs... or a hatch...there isn't an attic?"
The greenette chuckled, getting to his feet and moving over to a large poster. It was an old hero, as were all the images but this was one Shinsou recognised. She had raven hair, and a navy skin tight costume with a white cape.

"Izuku, don't you have her in one of your analysis books?"
The greenette smiled appreciatively at him, "good memory. This is Nana Shimura, she taught All Might, but she was definitely a far better hero than mentor if her pupil is anything to go by. A great woman."

Izuku paused, deep in thought. "Shinsou, doesn't she look pregnant in this picture?"
He moved closer and sure enough, the woman had a substantial baby bump. "She does, why are you surprised? Surely you know everything about her from her shoe size to her mother's maiden name?"
Izuku nodded, "Seven and a half, Takahashi. But I don't know about any children. If the costume upgrades are anything to go by, this picture was only taken a year before she died... but there was no mention of her having any children."
Shinsou swallowed, staring at the bright eyed pregnant woman in the photograph. "How did she die?"
"My genetic father killed her."

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