Chapter 113: Oh Brother

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"What are you doing, Izuku?" Growled Tomura.

The greenette eyed him, settling in Chisaki's arm chair and putting away his knives, "getting you answers you'll trust," he gestured to a glowering Nemoto, "you know what this guy's quirk is? Right?"
The blue haired man sighed, he wasn't in the position of power here, and he'd learned not to rely on Kurogiri - Izuku had gotten to him too somehow.
"I do. Confession."

"Then Nemoto-san," continued Izuku, "ask me what Tomura tells you to, and I won't take your quirk from you. Deal?"
The man scowled, "you were immune to my quirk before."
Izuku seemed to expect the answer, he didn't even blink. "I used my own abilities to prevent your quirk reaching me. This time I won't do that."

Nemoto turned to Overhaul, and the man raised his gaze from his shaking hands to nod.
"Very well." He muttered.

And so began the three way conversation. When the quirk works, the target's face slackens and their reply is monotonous and immediate. Naturally though Tomura wanted to test the greenette with a few questions to check the guy wasn't faking before going to what Izuku and he had discussed.

What is your name?
- Aizawa Izuku
What is your original name?
- Midoriya Izuku
Who is your original father?
- Midoriya Hisashi

Shigaraki wracked his brains to questions Izuku wouldn't want to admit the answers to, and might confirm that he'd lied to him.

What to do want the most?
- To be able to believe people could love me

Well that was...relatable, and incredibly sad. But he could just be trying to get Shigaraki's sympathy so his next questions had to be less easy to twist. Izuku claimed to have been a prostitute for a while, and Shigaraki knew All for One would never have had his own son do that.

Have you had sex?
- Yes
When did you lose your virginity?
- Fourteen
How did you lose your virginity?
- I was working as a prostitute.
- Because I thought I was quirkless and was without family, and I would have been homeless without the money.

Shigaraki hid his reaction well, though Izuku had gritted his teeth at the admission, his cheeks burning with shame. It hurt Shigaraki, and he despised this weakness the greenette had caused. It was like seeing Izuku in pain caused him to loose health points.

Why did All for One adopt Shigaraki?
- Because his grandmother was Shimura Nana, a holder of One for All and All Might's predecessor and most loved teacher. He wanted to make him into a villain to get back at her, and to hurt All Might.

... Shigaraki stared at him.
"It's true... right?" Izuku looked less confident and almost sad, "She was your grandmother?"
"...she was. How do you know this?"

Izuku looked at Nemoto too focused on the conversation to pay attention to Overhaul crouched in the corner of his cage near the unconscious Chronostasis, presumably still mourning his quirk.
"How do you know Shigaraki's family history?"
"I have a quirk that acts like a sixth sense, I made some guesses and did research off what Tomura told me."

Shigaraki went quiet for a long time, then spoke softly.
"...what do you think of me?"
Nemoto swallowed, and glanced surreptitiously at Overhaul again who had stood up, moving away from Chronostasis though was still hunched.
Izuku had flushed at the question and almost grimaced, when Nemoto repeated it.
"I saw another person who has been abused and mistreated by society and All for One, trying to find acceptance from someone. I hoped we could find that acceptance in each other. I hoped you'd become like a big brother to me one day."

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