Chapter 54: Level up II

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" want me to take both now?" Asked Izuku, a strange mix of flustered and annoyed after they pulled away. They paused. It hadn't occurred to either, they'd kinda just wanted to kiss him, he looked so lonely.

The greenette sighed, pushing off the table to stand straight, and crossing his arms. "Upgrading each will take me around six hours..."
"You're going to upgrade them?" Asked Todoroki, happy but surprised.
Izuku smiled, "of course, why wouldn't I?" He glanced at Shinsou, "want to stay over?"
"Yeah. I'll stay over, if that's okay?" Asked Shinsou, less surprised by Izuku's kindness, but excited none the less.
Izuku nodded. "It takes a lot of energy, I'll be unconscious for this, so you guys best pick out a few movies to pass the time."
"Alright." Shinsou replied and Todoroki nodded.

Izuku smiled, "Let's head up then."
"Don't you need to take our quirks now though?" asked Shinsou, confused.
Izuku headed toward the door, and sent them a playful smile, "I have a time limit depending on the duration of the kiss... and you might experience nausea. I don't want either of you collapsing on kitchen tiles."
"Oh." Was all of a reply Shinsou could manage.
Navigating past Aizawa, who gave both taller teens a warning glare as they headed up, they went to Izuku's room. The greenette took a running jump, and dived onto the bed, laughing at the tabby cat that jumped after him to land on his stomach.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." Stated Todoroki, before escaping the adorableness as quickly as he could. Shinsou chuckled to himself, before joining Izuku in petting the cat. He would rather pet Izuku, the greenette still on a high after them accepting his true story and thus letting out his childish side, but he knew he still had to wait.

Todoroki returned to the bedroom, looking composed and with his usual poker face, five minutes later, and Izuku set up the computer at the end of the bed so they could pick a movie.

Half-cold Half-hot
Take          Copy          Leave

Take          Copy          Leave

He selected 'take' for both quirks and watched as the pair shivered, eyes briefly coming unfocused and Todoroki hastily joining them on the bed. To his surprise, the teen kept his bicoloured hair and eyes.
"So your appearance doesn't link to your quirk?" he asked.
Todoroki rose slightly unsteadily and looked in the mirror. "I guess not."
"Pity, I was hoping you'd have pink hair." Sighed Shinsou dramatically.

Todoroki gave him a glare that vanished when Izuku chuckled, it took him a while to recover from the beauty of that mental image, but the two teens were very happy listening to the bell-like peals of laughter.
"How to you both feel anyway," he began once he recovered, "and Shoto, let me find you a blanket, your body isn't used to regulating its own temperature."

The pair glanced at each other, while Izuku rose and moved to the chest of drawers, rummaging around for a blanket.
Shinsou thought for a bit, but Todoroki spoke first. "It feels...empty."
"Huh," replied Izuku, still hunting, "Kaachan said the same thing."
"You did this with Bakugou!!!" Exclaimed both teens.
Izuku snorted when he looked up and caught the horrified expressions on their faces.
"Yeah obviously. Did you see his big explosion at the end of our fight, it was the same size as his grenades produce at full power but he didn't use them." He replied, matter of factly, as if that deadly explosion hadn't been aimed at him.

Seeing their grimaces, he sighed. "Just drop it already, he has issues, we have history. We're working on it, and you should know now, that he is the biggest damn tsundere in this world."
Shinsou snorted, and Todoroki experimented with rolling his eyes - finding it weird and decided never to try it again. The mildly concerned look Shinsou sent him was obscured as Izuku dropped a blanket on his head.

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