Chapter 43: Tensei

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Izuku woke up aching but warm that afternoon, looking upward he smiled slightly. Iida had an adorable sleeping face. His ink blue hair was tousled and messy, and his face soft with the deep sleep only innocent people who know they are loved and needed can have.

He thought absently that he liked waking up with someone a great deal more than going to bed with them. Though... he rather liked that too, the few occasions he'd chosen rather than been paid to.

He watched as Iida slowly returned to consciousness, blinking blearily at him, as realisation descended slowly over his foggy mind.
"Izuku? What happened..."

The greenette chuckled softly, "sadly nothing much."
He enjoyed watching the class president attempting to process his words, and the slow blush that crept into his cheeks.
He moved in close to the broader teen's warmth, and sighed contentedly.
"Thanks Tenya... best sleep I've had in a while."

The blue haired male seemed to have given up thinking. He was a different person. "We have the day off today?" He asked uncharacteristically softly and slowly.
"We do..." said Izuku, eyeing him curiously.

"We... we should go visit my brother today... if you still don't mind coming?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed in determination but voice uncertain.
"I'd like that." Izuku paused, not quite ready to move.

Seemed Iida was in a similar situation though.
They stayed in each other's arms for several minutes before reluctantly detaching, and changing quietly.

Izuku didn't feel that great after yesterday, so pulled out a nice reassuring pastel blue baggy hoodie - a hug recreated in fabric, and some ash grey jeans. He found Iida dressed exactly like the good little boy he was, in a crisply ironed dull green collared shirt, and dignified beige trousers.

They managed to sneak through Hosu Hero Office without too much attention sent their way. Though those who recognised them expressed awe and disapproval in equal quantities.

The train was quiet and they got seats this time, the pair too busy answering the many messages they received to hold much conversation with each other.
When they reached their stop, Iida pulled him out the station and down one street after another, until they skidded to a halt up front of a small nondescript terraced house.

Over the trip, the class president had gradually become more like himself though still quieter.
Izuku knew he must be nervous facing his brother after what he just did.

"If he is anything like what you tell me he is, you'll be fine Tenya." He said softly when the taller teen hesitated in pressing the doorbell.
Iida swallowed and nodded.

There was quite a bit of time between Tenya pressing the doorbell and the door being opened, but it quickly became clear why. Iida Tensei, appearing just as heroic and kind as he ever had, looked up at the two teens from a wheelchair.

The moment he saw Tenya, he reached out with quick reflexes to grab his brother's collar, using it to yank the teen downward into his arms, for a big bear hug.

"You idiot! Why did you go there! And don't even attempt to lie, I'm friends with Manual and he gave me all the details... I can't believe you went after him!"

He continued his affectionate rant, and Izuku practised reducing his presence so as not to intrude. Instead examining the hallway and the man himself.
He could tell immediately he was going to get along with Tensei. From the Star Wars T-shirt to the warmth that literally emanated from him.

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